Table of Contents ECSS Model Page
Background Information Using the SPENVIS system
Output files

A list of all the output files produced by SPENVIS is given in the table below. The file names of the outputs of SPENVIS are spenvis_xxx.html for report files and spenvis_xxx.txt for data files (with a few exceptions). In the first column, the files are listed alphabetically by the three character label xxx). The second column contains a short description of the file contents, the third column identifies the model or tool that produces or modifies the file, and the fourth column lists the models or tools that use the file as input. Clicking on a file name extension will bring up a description of the file formats.

The output files can be downloaded via the directory listing in the results page for each model.

List of files generated by SPENVIS
Ext. Description Created by Used by
ae9_output_mean_fluence.txtIRENE/AE9 Mean fluencesAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
ae9_output_mean_flux.txtIRENE/AE9 Mean fluxesAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_ae9ap9.logLog file of AE9/AP9 executionAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
ae9ap9_output.txtAE9/AP9 result fileAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_ae9ap9_orbit.csvOrbit file for IRENEAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)AE9/AP9 Trapped radiation model
spenvis_ae9macro.csvInput file for IRENE/AE9AE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)AE9/AP9 Trapped radiation model
spenvis_ano.txtLook directions and directional proton fluxesProton anisotropy modelPlotting routines
ap9_output.txt.pctIRENE/AP9 PCT FileAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
ap9_output_mean_fluence.txtIRENE/AP9 Mean fluencesAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
ap9_output_mean_flux.txtIRENE/AP9 Mean fluxesAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_ap9macro.csvInput file for IRENE/AP9AE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)AE9/AP9 Trapped radiation model
spenvis_apo.txtAtmospheric densities and temperaturesAtmosphere and ionosphere modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_ato.txtAtmospheric densities, fluxes and fluencesATOMOX ToolPlotting routines
spenvis_att.txtAttitude vectorsOrbit generatorProton anisotropy models, atmosphere and ionosphere models, satellite illumination, plotting routines
spenvis_blo.txtMagnetic field parametersMagnetic field modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_bpo.txtMagnetic field parametersMagnetic field modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_cmo.txtTime evolution of contaminant massContamination modelPlotting routines
spenvis_coo.txtTransmission factorsGeomagnetic cutoff maps and profilesPlotting routines
spenvis_cto.txtCoordinate transformation vectorsCoordinate transformation toolPlotting routines
spenvis_dao.txtCritical particle size distributionParticle/wall interactionPlotting routines
spenvis_dbf.txtFluence for the selected periodData base queriesPlotting routines
spenvis_dbo.txtData base valuesData base queries (ODI)Plotting routines
spenvis_dbo.txtData base valuesData base queriesPlotting routines
spenvis_dbp.txtReport fileData base queriesNone
spenvis_dia.txtDiagnostics fileInternal deep dielectric chargingNone
spenvis_dio.txtMaximum electric field, surface voltage and electron spectraInternal deep dielectric chargingPlotting routines
spenvis_dmo.txtdMEREM output fileMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)Plotting routines
spenvis_dso.txtDrift shell coordinatesDrift shell toolPlotting routines
spenvis_dss.txtFootpoint and mirror point coordinatesDrift shell toolPlotting routines
spenvis_efo.txtDamage equivalent fluencesSolar cell equivalent fluence model (EQFLUX)Plotting routines
spenvis_emd.txteMEREM single position dose and total flux/fluenceMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)Plotting routines
spenvis_eme.hbookeMEREM hbook fileMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)None
emerem.nmlNamelist file for eMEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)MEREM
spenvis_emo.txteMEREM orbital outputMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)Plotting routines
spenvis_emp.txteMEREM profile outputMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)Plotting routines
spenvis_ems.txteMEREM single position spectraMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)Plotting routines
spenvis_epo.txtEmission yields, currents and fluxesSpacecraft surface charging analysis tool (EQUIPOT)Plotting routines
ga.outGARSO result fileGenetic algorithm shield optimiserNone
spenvis_gcf.txtproton and ion fluxesGalactic cosmic ray fluxesShort-term SEU rates, Long-term SEUs, plotting routines
spenvis_gdm.gdmlGeometry definition GDML fileGDML analysing toolSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT), Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS)
spenvis_gdm.nmlList of volumes (NML)GDML analysing toolNone
spenvis_gem.g4macMacro file for GEMATGeant4-based Microdosimetry Analysis Tool (GEMAT 2.4)GEMAT
spenvis_gem28.g4macMacro file for GEMATGeant4-based Microdosimetry Analysis Tool (GEMAT 2.8)GEMAT
spenvis_geo.txtOutput file for GEMATGeant4-based Microdosimetry Analysis Tool (GEMAT 2.4)plotting routines
spenvis_gep.txtLog file for GEMATGeant4-based Microdosimetry Analysis Tool (GEMAT 2.4)None
spenvis_ger.txtReport file for GEMATGeant4-based Microdosimetry Analysis Tool (GEMAT 2.4)None
spenvis_gps.g4macGPS macro fileGeant 4 General Particle Source (GPS)Mulassis, GEMAT, GRAS
spenvis_gras.g4macMacro file for the Geant4 analysis for space toolGeant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 2.3)Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS)
spenvis_gras.csvOutput csv file for the Geant4 analysis for space toolGeant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 2.3)None
spenvis_gras.g4logLog file for the Geant4 analysis for space toolGeant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 2.3)None
spenvis_gras_aida.rootOutput root file for the Geant4 analysis for space toolGeant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 2.3)Plotting routines
spenvis_gras31.g4macMacro file for the Geant4 radiation analysis for space tool v3.1Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 3.1)GRAS
spenvis_gras31.g4logLog file for the Geant4 analysis for space tool v3.1Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 3.1)None
spenvis_gras31.csvOutput csv file for the Geant4 analysis for space tool v3.1Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 3.1)None
spenvis_gras31_aida.rootOutput root file for the Geant4 analysis for space tool v3.1Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS 3.1)Plotting routines
spenvis_gro.txtGrun meteoroid fluxesGrün meteoroid modelPlotting routines
spenvis_ilo.txtIllumination, radiation fluxes and shadowingSatellite illuminationPlotting routines
spenvis_jpo.txtPlasma parametersJOREM plasma environmentPlotting routines
spenvis_leo.txtLEO environment parametersSpacecraft charging environment tool (LEOPOLD)Plotting routines
spenvis_master_c_dia.txt2D cumulative flux distribution for object sizeMASTERPlotting routines
spenvis_master_d_azi.txt2D differential flux distribution for impact azimuthMASTERPlotting routines
spenvis_master_d_ele.txt2D differential flux distribution for impact elevationMASTERPlotting routines
spenvis_master_d_vel.txt2D differential flux distribution for impact velocityMASTERPlotting routines
materials.inpGARSO material listGenetic algorithm shield optimiserNone
spenvis_mco.g4macMacro file for MagnetocosmicsMagnetocosmicsMagnetocosmics
spenvis_mco.g4logLog file for MagnetocosmicsMagnetocosmicsNone
spenvis_mco.txtResult file for MagnetocosmicsMagnetocosmicsPlotting routines
spenvis_mer.g4logLog file for dMEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)None
spenvis_mer.g4macMacro file for dMEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)MEREM
merem_atmo.txtMEREM atmosphere fileMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)MEREM
merem_soil.txtMEREM soil fileMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)MEREM
spenvis_mes.txtIncident radiation spectrum for MEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)MEREM
spenvis_mfm.txtMulassis-like binned proton, electron and neutron fluxesShielded Flux (MFLUX)None
spenvis_mfo.txtAveraged proton, electron and neutron fluxesShielded Flux (MFLUX)None
spenvis_mlo.txtOutput file for the multilayered analysis toolMulti-layered shielding simulation analysis tool (Mulassis 1.19)Plotting routines
spenvis_mlp.txtLog file for the multilayered analysis toolMulti-layered shielding simulation analysis tool (Mulassis 1.19)None
spenvis_mlr.txtReport file for the multilayered analysis toolMulti-layered shielding simulation analysis tool (Mulassis 1.19)None
spenvis_mpc.txtCommand file for MEREM pre-processorMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)MEREM
spenvis_mpl.txtLog file for MEREM pre-processorMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)None
spenvis_mul.g4macMacro file for the multilayered analysis toolMulti-layered shielding simulation analysis tool (Mulassis 1.19)Mulassis
spenvis_mul.g4macMacro file for the multilayered analysis toolEffective dose and ambient dose equivalentMulassis
spenvis_mul123.g4macMacro file for the multilayered analysis toolMulti-layered shielding simulation analysis tool (Mulassis 1.23)Mulassis
spenvis_nao.txtNASA90 debris fluxesNASA90 Debris modelPlotting routines
spenvis_nio.txtShielded proton spectra and NIEL parametersNIEL Damage modelPlotting routines
spenvis_nlof_dedxsi.txtAverage LET (Si), proton and ion fluxesShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_nlof_g4gaas.txtAverage LET (GaAs, Geant4), proton and ion fluxesShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_nlof_srimga.txtAverage LET (GaAs, SRIM), proton and ion fluxesShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_nlof_srimsi.txtAverage LET (Si, SRIM), proton and ion fluxesShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_nlofl_dedxsi.txtAverage LET (Si), proton and ion fluxesLong-term SEUsPlotting routines
spenvis_nlofl_g4gaas.txtAverage LET (GaAs, Geant4), proton and ion fluxesLong-term SEUsPlotting routines
spenvis_nlofl_srimga.txtAverage LET (GaAs, SRIM), proton and ion fluxesLong-term SEUsPlotting routines
spenvis_nlofl_srimsi.txtAverage LET (Si, SRIM), proton and ion fluxesLong-term SEUsPlotting routines
spenvis_nlol_dedxsi.txtLET (Si) averaged over all particle speciesShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nlol_g4gaas.txtLET (GaAs, Geant4) averaged over all particle speciesShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nlol_srimga.txtLET (GaAs, SRIM) averaged over all particle speciesShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nlol_srimsi.txtLET (Si, SRIM) averaged over all particle speciesShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nloll_dedxsi.txtLET (Si) averaged over all particle speciesLong-term SEUsNone
spenvis_nloll_g4gaas.txtLET (GaAs, Geant4) averaged over all particle speciesLong-term SEUsNone
spenvis_nloll_srimga.txtLET (GaAs, SRIM) averaged over all particle speciesLong-term SEUsNone
spenvis_nloll_srimsi.txtLET (Si, SRIM) averaged over all particle speciesLong-term SEUsNone
spenvis_nloo.txtLET and proton fluxes along the orbitShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nloq.txtparticle averaged LET along the orbitShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nuof.txtExperimental cross sectionsShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_nuofl.txtExperimental cross sectionsLong-term SEUsPlotting routines
spenvis_nuol.txtPath length distributionShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_nuoll.txtPath length distributionLong-term SEUsPlotting routines
spenvis_nuoo.txtSEU rates along the orbitShort-term SEU ratesPlotting routines
spenvis_pcc.txtRigidity cut-off file for Planetocosmics-JPlanetocosmics-JPlotting routines
spenvis_pcj.g4macMacro file for Planetocosmics-JPlanetocosmics-JPlanetocosmics-J
spenvis_pcj.g4logLog file for Planetocosmics-JPlanetocosmics-JNone
spenvis_pcj.txtResult file for Planetocosmics-JPlanetocosmics-JPlotting routines
spenvis_pco.g4macMacro file for PlanetocosmicsPlanetocosmicsPlanetocosmics
spenvis_pco.g4logLog file for PlanetocosmicsPlanetocosmicsNone
spenvis_pco.txtResult file for PlanetocosmicsPlanetocosmicsNone
spenvis_pos.txtCoordinate gridCoordinate grid generatorTrapped radiation models, magnetic field models, atmosphere and ionosphere models, plotting routines
spenvis_rco.txtGenerated RDC fileRDC converter toolSolar cell equivalent fluence model
spenvis_s2o.txtSHIELDOSE-2 DosesIonising dose model (SHIELDOSE-2)Plotting routines
spenvis_sao.txtTime and spatial coordinatesJupiter trajectory file uploadTrapped radiation models (JOSE), DG83 plasma mpdel, plotting routines
spenvis_sao.txtSpacecraft coordinatesOrbit generatorTrapped radiation models, solar proton models, ion energy and LET spectra, atmosphere and ionosphere models, magnetic field models, satellite illumination, Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM), plotting routines
spenvis_sco.txtOutput file for MC-SCREAMNIEL based damage equivalent fluences for solar cells (MC-SCREAM)None
spenvis_scp.txtLog file for MC-SCREAMNIEL based damage equivalent fluences for solar cells (MC-SCREAM)None
spenvis_scr.txtReport file for MC-SCREAMNIEL based damage equivalent fluences for solar cells (MC-SCREAM)None
spenvis_scr.g4macMacro file for MC-SCREAMNIEL based damage equivalent fluences for solar cells (MC-SCREAM)Mulassis
spenvis_sec.gdmlGeometry definition GDML fileSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)Sector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT), Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS)
spenvis_sec.nmlList of volumesSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)None
spenvis_sef.txtSolar particle fluence spectraSolar particle mission fluencesIonising dose models (SHIELDOSE, SHIELDOSE-2), NIEL model, solar cell damage equivalent model (EQFLUX), Long-term SEUs, plotting routines
spenvis_sefflare.txtSolar particle flux spectraSolar particle peak fluxesShort-term SEU rates, Plotting routines
spenvis_seo.txtAttenuation factor along the orbitSolar particle mission fluencesNone
spenvis_seoflare.txtAttenuation factor along the orbitSolar particle peak fluxesNone
spenvis_sho.txtSHIELDOSE DosesIonising dose model (SHIELDOSE)Plotting routines
spenvis_smo.txtEffective dose and ambient dose equivalentEffective dose and ambient dose equivalent 
spenvis_soo.txtErosion rates and current collectionSolar array/spacecraft interaction analysis program (SOLARC)Plotting routines
spenvis_spc.txtCarbon spectra for each orbital pointJOREM trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_spe.txtTrapped electron spectra along the orbitTrapped radiation models (Earth)Plotting routines
spenvis_spe.txtElectron spectra for each orbital pointJOREM trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_spe.txtTrapped electron spectra along the orbitTrapped radiation models (Jupiter)Plotting routines
specElectron.g4macTrapped electron gps fileGenetic algorithm shield optimiserGARSO
specProton.g4macTrapped proton gps fileGenetic algorithm shield optimiserGARSO
specSolarProton.g4macSolar proton gps fileGenetic algorithm shield optimiserGARSO
spenvis_spo.txtOxygen spectra for each orbital pointJOREM trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_spp.txtTrapped proton spectra along the orbitTrapped radiation models (Earth)Proton anisotropy models, ion energy and LET spectra, plotting routines
spenvis_spp.txtProton spectra for each orbital pointJOREM trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_spp.txtTrapped proton spectra along the orbitTrapped radiation models (Jupiter)Proton anisotropy models, ion energy and LET spectra, plotting routines
spenvis_sps.txtSulphur spectra for each orbital pointJOREM trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_sqo.txtSHIELDOSE-2Q DosesIonising dose model (SHIELDOSE-2Q)Plotting routines
spenvis_ssa.g4macMacro file for the sector shielding analysis toolSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)Sector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)
spenvis_sso.txtOutput file for the sector shielding analysis toolSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)Ionising dose models (SHIELDOSE, SHIELDOSE-2), NIEL model, plotting routines
spenvis_ssp.txtLog file for the sector shielding analysis toolSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)None
spenvis_tbo.txtTrapped particle fluxesPositional (magnetic) trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_tpo.txtTrapped particle fluxesPositional (geographic) trapped particle modelsPlotting routines
spenvis_tri.txtAveraged proton and electron fluxesAE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)Ionising dose models (SHIELDOSE, SHIELDOSE-2), NIEL model, solar cell damage equivalent model (EQFLUX), Short-term SEU rates, Long-term SEUs, plotting routines
spenvis_tri.txtAveraged proton and electron fluxesTrapped radiation (uploaded spectra)Ionising dose models (SHIELDOSE, SHIELDOSE-2), NIEL model, solar cell damage equivalent model (EQFLUX), Short-term SEU rates, Long-term SEUs, plotting routines
spenvis_tri.txtAveraged proton and electron fluxesTrapped radiation models (Earth)Ionising dose models (SHIELDOSE, SHIELDOSE-2), NIEL model, solar cell damage equivalent model (EQFLUX), Short-term SEU rates, Long-term SEUs, plotting routines
spenvis_tri.txtOrbit average spectraJOREM trapped particle modelsIonising dose models (SHIELDOSE-2Q), plotting routines
spenvis_tri.txtAveraged proton and electron fluxesTrapped radiation models (Jupiter)Ionising dose models (SHIELDOSE, SHIELDOSE-2), NIEL model, solar cell damage equivalent model (EQFLUX), plotting routines
userSetup.inpGARSO parametersGenetic algorithm shield optimiserNone
spenvis_vfn.nmlNamelist for contaminationView factor toolContamination tool
spenvis_vfo.txtviewfactorsView factor toolContamination tool
spenvis_ae9ap9.htmlReport file (AE9/AP9)AE9/AP9 Trapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_anp.htmlReport fileProton anisotropy modelNone
spenvis_anzu.htmlReport file (RB spectra)Trapped radiation (uploaded spectra)None
spenvis_app.htmlReport fileAtmosphere and ionosphere modelsNone
spenvis_atp.htmlReport fileATOMOX ToolNone
spenvis_blp.htmlReport fileMagnetic field modelsNone
spenvis_bpp.htmlReport fileMagnetic field modelsNone
spenvis_cmp.htmlReport fileContamination modelNone
spenvis_cop.htmlReport fileGeomagnetic cutoff maps and profilesNone
spenvis_cpeakfl.htmlReport file for carbon peak fluxesJOREM trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_ctp.htmlReport fileCoordinate transformation toolNone
spenvis_dap.htmlReport fileParticle/wall interactionNone
spenvis_dip.htmlReport fileInternal deep dielectric chargingNone
spenvis_dsp.htmlReport fileDrift shell toolNone
spenvis_efp.htmlReport fileSolar cell equivalent fluence model (EQFLUX)None
spenvis_emr.htmlReport file for eMEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)None
spenvis_emr.htmlReport file for eMEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)None
spenvis_emr.htmlReport file for eMEREMMars Energetic Radiation Environment Models (MEREM)None
spenvis_epeakfl.htmlElectron peak fluxesTrapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_epeakfl.htmlReport file for electron peak fluxesJOREM trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_epp.htmlReport fileSpacecraft surface charging analysis tool (EQUIPOT)None
spenvis_gcr.htmlReport fileGalactic cosmic ray fluxesNone
spenvis_gdm.htmlGDML file analysisGDML analysing toolNone
spenvis_grp.htmlReport fileGrün meteoroid modelNone
spenvis_ilp.htmlReport fileSatellite illuminationNone
spenvis_jpp.htmlReport fileJOREM plasma environmentNone
spenvis_lep.htmlReport fileSpacecraft charging environment tool (LEOPOLD)None
spenvis_master.htmlReport fileMASTERNone
spenvis_mfr.htmlReport fileShielded Flux (MFLUX)None
spenvis_nap.htmlReport fileNASA90 Debris modelNone
spenvis_niel.htmlReport fileINFN NIEL curve modelNone
spenvis_nip.htmlReport fileNIEL Damage modelNone
spenvis_nuop.htmlReport fileShort-term SEU ratesNone
spenvis_nuopl.htmlReport fileLong-term SEUsNone
spenvis_opeakfl.htmlReport file for oxygen peak fluxesJOREM trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_pos.htmlReport fileCoordinate grid generatorNone
spenvis_ppeakfl.htmlProton peak fluxesTrapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_ppeakfl.htmlReport file for proton peak fluxesJOREM trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_rcp.htmlReport fileRDC converter toolNone
spenvis_s2p.htmlReport fileIonising dose model (SHIELDOSE-2)None
spenvis_sap.htmlReport fileJupiter trajectory file uploadNone
spenvis_sap.htmlReport fileOrbit generatorNone
spenvis_sep.htmlReport fileSolar particle mission fluencesNone
spenvis_sepflare.htmlReport fileShort-term solar particle fluencesNone
spenvis_shp.htmlReport fileIonising dose model (SHIELDOSE)None
spenvis_smr.htmlReport fileEffective dose and ambient dose equivalentNone
spenvis_sop.htmlReport fileSolar array/spacecraft interaction analysis program (SOLARC)None
spenvis_speakfl.htmlReport file for sulphur peak fluxesJOREM trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_sqp.htmlReport fileIonising dose model (SHIELDOSE-2Q)None
spenvis_stp.htmlReport fileSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)None
spenvis_tbp.htmlReport filePositional (magnetic) trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_tpp.htmlReport filePositional (geographic) trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_trj.htmlReport fileJOREM trapped particle modelsNone
spenvis_trj.htmlReport fileTrapped radiation models (Jupiter)None
spenvis_trp.htmlReport fileTrapped radiation models (Earth)None
spenvis_vfp.htmlReport fileView factor toolNone

List of uploaded files used by SPENVIS
Ext. Description Used by
spenvis_dos.uplUploaded dose curveSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT)
spenvis_gdm.uplUploaded GDML fileSector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT), Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS)
spenvis_jup.uplUploaded trajectory file for JOREMJOREM trajectory upload
spenvis_nie.uplUploaded NIEL fileNIEL Damage model
spenvis_orb.uplUploaded trajectory fileOrbit generator
spenvis_rdc.uplUploaded RDC fileSolar cell equivalent fluence model (EQFLUX)
spenvis_vfg.uplUploaded geometry fileView factor tool

Record structure of the magnetic shell tool file. All records are in free format.
Header Records
1Project descriptor
2Number of columns N, 0,number of field lines Nf, 1, 0
3--(N+2)Titles of columns
Data Records
1Number of points on field line Np
2--(Np+1)Description of point
...Nf Repetitions of records 1--(Np+1)

Record structure of the magnetic shell summary file. All records are in free format.
Header Records
1Project descriptor
2Number of columns N, 0,number of field lines Nf, 1, 0
3--(N+2)Titles of columns
Data Records
1--NfDescription of field line

Old generic record structure of output files. All records are in free format.
Header Records
1Project descriptor
2Number of data columns, column number of independent variable, number of points in the grid N
3--M+2Column headers
Data Records
1--NM Data columns
N+1Blank line

Record structure of the ion energy and LET spectrum file. N is the number of points on the trajectory. All records are in free format.
Header Records
1Project descriptor
2 Number of proton energies Np, number of LET values NLET. The number of spectra per orbital point, Ns, is 3 if Np>0, 2 otherwise.
3 - 5 Description labels and energies for the differential proton spectra (absent if Np=0)
3 - 6 or 6 - 9 (if Np>0) Description labels and LET values for the LET spectra (integral and differential)
7 or 10 (if Np>0) Mission segment header
Data Records
1 - NsN N repetitions of the differential proton spectra (if Np>0) and the integral and differential LET spectra
NsN+1 - Ns(N+1) Sentinel records (-1.0) signifying the end of the orbit

Record structure of the SOLARC output file. All records are in free format.
1Project descriptor
2Number of negative and positive interconnects (total: Nc)
3--4Axis labels for V/I characteristics
5--4+NcInterconnect voltages and currents
5+NcBlank line
6+NcNumber of points in erosion rate plots for first (Ne1) and second (Ne2) material
7+Nc--8+Nc Axis labels for erosion rates
9+NcFirst material symbol
10+Nc--10+Nc+Ne1 Interconnect voltages and erosion rates for first material
11+Nc+Ne1Second material symbol
12+Nc+Ne1--12+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Interconnect voltages and erosion rates for second material
13+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Blank line
14+Nc+Ne1+Ne2--16+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Plot labels for current collection models
17+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Current collection model numbers for array and structure
18+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Blank line
19+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Maximum negative and positive voltage
20+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Flag for inclusion of structure, index of interconnect, number of interconnects, structure voltage
21+Nc+Ne1+Ne2 Blank line

Record structure of the output file generated for the positional (magnetic) trapped particle models. All records are in free format.
Header Records
1Project descriptor
2Number of data columns M, column number of independent variable, number of points in the grid N
3--M+2Column headers
M+3Number of energies in the energy spectra
M+4Energies (MeV)
M+5Generic header for the energy spectra
Data Records
1--NM Data columns
N+1Blank line

Record structure of the output file generated for the omnidirectional RDCs. All records are in free format.
Header Lines
1Cell name
5Values of the proton-electron damage equivalence factors for Pmax (mW), Voc (mV) and Isc (mA)
Data lines
7-10Electron block, header lines
12-5810 values per line: electron energy (MeV), ''norm'', RDCs for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 60 coverglass thickness (in mils)
60-63Proton Pmax block, header lines
65-12910 values per line: proton energy (MeV), ''norm'', Pmax RDCs for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 60 coverglass thickness (in mils)
131-134Proton Voc block, header lines
136-20010 values per line: proton energy (MeV), ''norm'', Voc RDCs for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 60 coverglass thickness (in mils)
202-205Proton Isc block, header lines
207-27110 values per line: proton energy (MeV), ''norm'', Isc RDCs for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 60 coverglass thickness (in mils)

Record structure of the new file format.
A detailed description is given at the bottom of this page.
Header Records
1 '*',8(',',I) Total number of header records Nh (including current one), number of comment lines Nc, number of metavariable lines Nm, number of annotation lines Na, number of variable lines Nv, number of data columns Nd, number of data lines Nl (-1 if unknown), number of blocks Nb following the current block
2--Nc+1 string in single quotes comment lines
Nc+2--Nc+Nm+1 variable name, dimension (negative for strings, positive for floats), values metavariable definitions
Nc+Nm+2-- Nc+Nm+Na+1 string in single quotes annotation lines
Nc+Nm+Na+2-- Nc+Nm+Na+Nv+1 variable name, dimension, values variable definitions
Data Records
1--Nl comma separated floats Nc data columns
Nl+1 string in single quotes end of block or file indicator

General description of the tabular output format

This section describes the general features of the new format for the UNIRAD/SPENVIS output tables. It includes the file specifications and the internal organisation of the data. The format specifications are such that the tabular outputs can be: The specifications on the content of each tabular output are not included in this section.

File specifications

The UNIRAD/SPENVIS tabular outputs are sequentially organised files consisting of variable-length records whose length is indicated by an explicit terminator embedded in the data. The record terminator is the 2-character sequence consisting of a carriage-return and a line-feed (ASCII codes 13 and 10, respectively). Except for the 2-character terminator, the records only include readable ASCII characters with code between 32 and 127. Such files can be created by a FORTRAN program with the following statement:
      OPEN(UNIT=n, FILE='project.csv', FORM='FORMATTED', 
where the text in italics depends on the user application.

Each record contains comma (,) separated values that can be read by a FORTRAN list-directed READ statement. The integer and floating values are represented by their decimal forms (e.g. 123, -98, 734.5, -3.2345E+10, +6.2345D+68), optionally preceded by white space characters (ASCII code 32). The character strings are delimited by apostrophes (') without other characters before or after the apostrophes. When an apostrophe has to be included in the character string, it is represented by two consecutive apostrophes.


The use of the file specifications is illustrated by the following FORTRAN program.
      PROGRAM sample_1
      INTEGER      k1, k2
      REAL         r1, r2
      CHARACTER*32 s1
      DATA k1, k2, r1, r2/ -547, 12, -5.978E-18, 6371.2/
C     File creation
      OPEN(UNIT=1, FILE='sample_1.txt', FORM='FORMATTED', 
      WRITE(1,1000) k1, r1, k2, r2
C     format
 1000 FORMAT( i6, 1h,, 1p, e13.6, 0p, 2h,', 
     :        'Text with an apostrophe:''''.', 2h',, i8, 1h,, f10.3)
C     File read
      OPEN(UNIT=1, FILE='sample_1.txt', STATUS='OLD')
      READ(1,*) k1, r1, s1, k2, r2

Internal organisation

A UNIRAD/SPENVIS output file contains one or more independent parts, each being associated with a section of the corresponding UNIRAD/SPENVIS namelist. Note that, for some applications, more than one part can be associated to a single section of the namelist. Each part includes three sections: a header, a body, and a footer. The following sub-sections describe the general structure of these three sections.

The general structure is illustrated with the help of a sample file.

Header section

The records included in the header section contain general information on the data (project title, main parameters of the program used to generate the data,...), and a description of the content of the body section. The header section includes also a reserved area that can be extended for future usage. The following table gives a detailled description of the structure of the header section. Note that the number of records varies with the application.

Record Elements Description
1 '*',
nfut, nvar,
The first record of the header section consists of a character string and eight integers. The character string serves as guard and shall always be set to a single asterisk ('*'). The integers provide the information on the size of the header and body sections:
  • nheader is the total number of records of the header section (including this record);
  • ntext is the number of text lines included in the first part of the header section;
  • nmeta is the number of metavariables;
  • nfut is the number of records added to the header section with a format specific to the application. In SPENVIS, this section is used for the annotation on PostScript graphical outputs;
  • nvar is the number of variables in the body section;
  • ncol is the number of columns in the body section. As variables can have more than one dimension, this number does not have to be equal to the number of columns;
  • nbody is the number of records in the body section (set to -1 when the length of the body section is unknown);
  • npart is the number of remaining blocks associated to the current namelist section.
Note that part of the information is redudant since nheader = 1 + ntext + nfutur + nmeta + nvar.
2 ... (ntext+1) atext Each record includes a single character string. These character strings can be used to indentify the program used to produce the file (e.g. 'SPENVIS v3.1 - ORBIT GENERATOR - OpenVMS (BIRA/IASB)'), the project title, or other information such as the name of the model used to produce the data.
... (1+ntext+nmeta)
ktyp, val_1,
val_2, ...
Each record contains the information on a specific metavariable, and starts by a character string (ameta) followed by an integer (ktyp). The string ameta contains the name of the metavariable. The integer ktyp specifies the type of the metavariable. When ktyp is equal to -1, the metavariable contains a character string, the value of which is set in the third element of the record (val_1). When ktyp is greater than 0, the metavariable contains a vector of ktyp real numbers, the values of which are set in the third and following elements of the record (val_1 ... val_[ktyp]).
... (nheader-nvar)
not defined This area is reserved for future extensions. SPENVIS uses this to write information about the annotation (position and content) used in the PostScript graphical outputs.
... nheader
Each record includes information on a specific variable of the data set. A variable is defined as a single real number or as a vector of real numbers. Each record contains four elements:
  • aname, a character string with the name of the variable;
  • aunit, a character string with the units of the variable;
  • nelem, an integer with the number of elements of the vector (set to 1 when the variable is a single real number);
  • atitle, a character string with a title for the variable that can be used on plots, etc...
Optionally, the string atitle can be followed by a set of character strings with metavariable names (see below).

Note that the sum over the nvar records of the nelem value shall be equal to ncol.

The header section is directly followed by the body section.

Future extensions

According to the above specification, the body can only include single real variables or one dimensional variables. In future developments, multi-dimensional variables could be introduced. In that case, nelem should correspond to the total number of elements and information on the dimensions can be added after the argument atitle. For instance: a list of metavariables, each one corresponding to one of the dimensions and containing as many elements as the corresponding dimension. A density map, e.g., could be stored in a variable defined as 'DENS','cm-3', 200,'Density','LATITUDE','LONGITUDE' where LATITUDE and LONGITUDE are metavariables which contain a set of 10 latitudes and 20 longitudes, respectively (10 x 20 = 200). In the SPENVIS system, this area is currently used to add annotation to plots produced in PostScript format.

Body section

Each record of the body section contains the values associated to all the variables of the data set. All records of the body section have the same structure: they contain a suite of real numbers, the number of which is specified by the 7th element of the first record of the header section (ncol). For the sake of clarity, the values are usually written in fields with fixed width such that the fields from the different records are aligned in columns. In each record, the values are ordered the same way as the descriptions in the header section.

The number of records contained in the body section is not explicitly determined. An expected value of this number is given by the 8th element of the first record of the header section (nbody).
Practically, the end of the body section is defined by the detection of the footer section.

Footer section

The footer section consists of a single record that contains a character string. This character string should not start with an asterix (*), as this is reserved for internal use, and is used to detect the end of the body section. The text of the footer string can be used to pass information on the next part of the output file. Note that both character strings *ERROR* and *CONTINUE* will be used by IDL and FORTRAN interface routines.

For the sake of uniformity the following character strings are suggested:

The usage of the header, body and footer sections are illustrated by a sample file.

Sample file

This example illustrates the specifications on the UNIRAD/SPENVIS output file structure. Different colors and record numbers have been added in order to better highlight the different parts of the structure, but do not occur in the file.

1:'*', 13, 2, 3, 4, 3, 8, -1, 0
2:'Title of this project'
3:'This is an example file'
4:'EPOCH', 1, 1995.0
5:'ENERGY', 6, 0.10, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 10.00
6:'MODEL', -1,'IRI-90'
8:# Specific area reserved #
9:#     for future use     #
11:'AMJD ','day ', 1,'Modified Julian Day'
12:'FLUX_EL ','cm-2 s-1', 6,'Integral electron flux'
13:'L ','Re ', 1,'McIlwain''s shell parameter'
14: 17888.07465, 1.2E+06, 1.0E+06, 5.4E+05, 2.9E+05, 4.2E+04, 9.8E+03, 2.067
15: 17890.78901, 6.0E+05, 5.0E+05, 2.7E+05, 1.4E+05, 2.1E+04, 4.9E+03, 1.076
16: 17892.87572, 3.2E+05, 2.0E+05, 2.4E+05, 1.9E+05, 2.2E+04, 4.8E+03, 1.085
17: 17894.36543, 1.2E+04, 1.0E+04, 5.4E+03, 2.9E+03, 4.2E+02, 9.8E+01, 2.094
18: 17896.43453, 6.0E+05, 5.0E+05, 2.7E+05, 1.4E+05, 2.1E+04, 4.9E+03, 3.103
19: 17898.88785, 1.2E+06, 1.0E+06, 5.4E+05, 2.9E+05, 4.2E+04, 9.8E+03, 3.112
20: 17900.68776, 1.2E+04, 1.0E+04, 5.4E+03, 2.9E+03, 4.2E+02, 9.8E+01, 2.121
21: 17902.76786, 6.0E+05, 5.0E+05, 2.7E+05, 1.4E+05, 2.1E+04, 4.9E+03, 1.130
22:'End of Block'


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Last update: Fri, 20 Apr 2018