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This is a simple contamination tool that computes the contamination of all target surfaces of an input geometry due to the outgassing of a surface. Before running the contamination tool, the user first has to run the View Factor tool to compute the view factors between the different surfaces of the input geometry.

The input parameters and options for the tool are described below. When the input form has been completed, pressing the button will start the calculation and bring up the "Results" page.

Input parameters

More information on outgassing is provided in the background help pages.


The Contamination tool produces the files listed in the table below. A description of the file formats can be brought up by clicking on their description in the table.

The report file spenvis_ctp.html contains a summary of the input parameters and the final mass of the contaminant specie on each surface together with the mass lost in space and the error on the computed mass due to the numerical treatment.

The output file spenvis_cto.txt contains the evolution of the contaminant mass on each surfaces as function of time.

The output file contam_xy.* displays the evolution of the contaminant mass or surface density as function of time for a selected surface.

Output files generated by the Contamination tool
File name Description
spenvis_ctp.html Report file
spenvis_cto.txt Time evolution of the contaminant mass on each surface
contam_xy.* Display of the time evolution of the contaminant mass or surface density

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018