Table of Contents ECSS Model Page
Background Information Geant4 tools

Table of contents

  1. Overview of Magnetocosmics
  2. Magnetocosmics in the SPENVIS environment
  3. Scenario
  4. Geometry
  5. Magnetic field
  6. Results
  7. References

Overview of Magnetocosmics

The Magnetocosmics application allows the computation and visualisation of charged particle trajectories and magnetic field lines, as well as the computation of cut-off rigidities as a function of position, for different types of magnetic field models.

As the computation of cut-off rigidities for many positions can be highly time-consuming and since the CPU time available on SPENVIS for a single user is limited, the calculations are stopped if the program duration time exceeds a limit. This can be often the case for calculations on maps or orbit trajectories. Therefore, users are welcome to utilize SPENVIS to produce and download the macro-file but is recommended that they download the stand-alone version of Magnetocosmics to make a run.

Note that the Magnetocosmics application makes use of the Geant4 toolkit [2]. The complete Magnetocosmics user manual is available online as a PDF-document.

Magnetocosmics in the SPENVIS environment

The SPENVIS interface to Magnetocosmics simplifies the process of defining run parameters, which are to be entered on a number of input pages (see below).
Advanced users have the option to input a number of fine-tuning parameters.

As the model uses a Monte-Carlo simulation-based code, execution times can be very long, certainly for cut-off calculations. The execution is limited to five minutes of CPU-time on the simulation machine. If the Magnetocosmics run exceeds this limit, the simulation will be terminated and intermediate results returned to the user.


There are three possible scenarios available in the SPENVIS implementation of Magnetocosmics: calculation of cut-off rigidities, visualisation of particle trajectories or magnetic field lines. For all three scenarios a choice must be made: . The 'Single position' option is always available, while the 'Orbit' and 'Grid' options are only available if an orbit and/or a geographical coordinate grid have been defined in the 'Coordinate generator' package.

Calculation of cut-off rigidities

For the cut-off calculation, the charge has to be selected next. Only the sign of the charge is needed because particles with the same initial position and direction, same rigidity and charges of the same sign have identical trajectories. For the same reason, it is convenient to characterise the trajectory of cosmic rays in function of their rigidity rather their energy.

Particle trajectory visualisation

The drawing coordinate system is assumed to be the Geographic (GEO) coordinate system.

The user can first choose the particle type: If the particle type is Ion, the atomic and the mass number must be entered as well. The default for Ion is a C12 nucleus.

Next, one can specify the type of trajectory i.e. forward or backward trajectory. In the case of 'Single position' the user can define more than one trajectory and assign different energies or rigidities to them. When the 'Orbit' or the 'Grid' option is selected the number of trajectories corresponds to the number of orbital or coordinate grid points. Then, only one energy or rigidity value can be defined and is assumed to be the same for all the trajectories. The energies can be entered in GeV, MeV, or keV; the rigidities in GV, MV, or kV.

The last option is the selection of the colour for particle trajectory visualisation.

Magnetic field line visualisation

Again, we assume that the drawing coordinate system is the Geographic (GEO). The user can select the colour of the magnetic field line visualisation.


When the cut-off scenario is selected, if the calculation is performed for 'Single position' then the user can choose the coordinate system specifying the position at which the cut-off rigidity will be computed. Also, for both 'Single position' visualisation of particle trajectories and magnetic field lines the user can define the initial positions. In all the above cases, the possible coordinate systems are:

The position is then defined by specifying the altitude (in km or Earth’s radius, RE), longitude and latitude (both in degrees) in the chosen coordinate system.

For the calculation of cut-off rigidities and particle trajectory visualisation scenarios ('Single position', 'Orbit' or 'Grid') a user has the additional option for specifying directions.

In the case of cut-off rigidity calculatuions, the user defined directions correspond to the incident directions expressed in terms of the zenith and azimuthal angle. The coordinate system specifying the direction is always assumed to be same as the one specifying the position.

In the case of particle trajectory visualisation the user has three choices for specifying the initial direction, . The predefined directions include the local zenith, the magnetic and geographic north pole axis, the direction of the Sun, the local magnetic east and the local magnetic west. For any of the above predefined direction an appropriate coordinate system is assumed. For the second option is suffice to define the pitch angle and the gyration phase. Finally, for specifying the zenith and azimuthal angle the user has also the possibility to choose a coordinate system:

Note that the SPENVIS background pages contain a detailed description of all the coordinate systems used in Magnetocosmics.

Magnetic field

Finally, the magnetic field has to be defined. This consists of two choices: the internal and the external magnetic field. Depending on the choice of the magnetic field, additional parameters can be added
Only advanced users have the option to select the Tsyganenko 96 or the Tsyganenko 2001 external magnetic field options.


Magnetocosmics produces the files listed in the table below. A description of the format of the files can be brought up by clicking on their description in the table.

The macro file spenvis_mco.g4mac contains the Geant4 Macro file. The log file spenvis_mco.g4log records the output from Magnetocosmics to stdout and stderr. The output file spenvis_mco.txt contains tabulated results according to the selected scenario (cut-off rigidities, particle trajectory or magnetic field line visualisation). The graphics file spenvis_mco.wrl shows the particle trajectories or the magnetic field .

Output files generated by Magnetocosmics
File name Description
spenvis_mco.g4mac Geant4 macro file
spenvis_mco.g4log Log file
spenvis_mco.txt Outputs for the selected scenario
spenvis_mco.wrl VRML representation of particle trajectories or magnetic field lines

To generate plots, select the plot type(s), options and graphics format when applicable, and click the button. The current page will be updated with the newly generated plot files.


  1. Cooke, D. J., J. E. Humble, M. A. Shea, D. F. Smart, N. Lund, I. L. Rasmussen, B. Byrnak, P. Goret, and N. Petrou, On cosmic-ray cutoff terminology, Il Nuovo Cimento, 14C, 213-234, 1991.
  2. Geant4
  3. Hapgood, M. A., Space Physics Coordinate Transformations: a user guide, Planet. Space Sci., 40, No 5, 711-717, 1992.
  4. IGRF model of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)
  5. Langel, R. A., Main field in geomagnetism, Vol I, ed. J. A. Jacobs, Academic Press, London, 249-512, 1987.
  6. Miroshnichenko, L., Radiation Hazard in Space, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol 297, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
  7. Press W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, B. P. Flannery, and W. T. Vetterling, Runge-Kutta method, in 'Numerical Recipes in C++, The art of scientific computing, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, p 715, 2001.
  8. Press W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, B. P. Flannery, and W. T. Vetterling, Richardson extrapolation and the Bulirsh-Stoer method, in 'Numerical Recipes in C++, The art of scientific computing, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, p 729, 2001.
  9. Russell, C. T., Geophysical Coordinate Transformations, Cosmic Electrodyn., 2, 184, 1971.
  10. Tsyganenko, N. A., Global quantitative models of the geomagnetic field in the cislunar magnetosphere for different disturbance levels, Planet. Space Sci., 35, 1347, 1987.
  11. Tsyganenko, N. A., A magnetospheric magnetic field model with a warped tail current sheet, Plant. Space Sci., 37, 5, 1989.
  12. Tsyganenko, N. A., Modeling the Earth's magnetospheric magnetic field confined within a realistic magnetopause, JGR, 100, 5599, 1995.
  13. Tsyganenko, N. A., Effects of the solar wind conditions on the global magnetospheric configuration as deduced from data-based field models, Eur. Sace Agency Spec. Publ., ESA SP-389, 181, 1996.
  14. Tsyganenko, N. A., A model of the near magnetosphere with a dawn-dusk asymmetry, 1. Mathematical structure, JGR, 107, No A8, 10.1029/2001JA000219.
  15. Tsyganenko, N. A., A model or the near magnetosphere with a dawn-dusk asymmetry, 2. Parameterization and fitting to observations, JGR, 107, N0 A8, 10.1029/2001JA000220.
  16. Wolf, R. A., Magnetospheric configuration, in 'Introduction to space physics', ed. M. G. Kivelson and C. T. Russell, Cambridge University Press, 288-329, 1995.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018