Background information in SPENVIS
- Orbit theory
- Coordinate Systems
- Coordinate systems and transformations
- McIlwain's (B,L) coordinate system
- Invariant coordinates
- The Radiation Environment
- Trapped particle radiation models
- Solar proton models
- Galactic cosmic ray models
- Radiation Effects
- Ionising dose
- Non-ionising energy loss
- INFN Screened Relativistic Non-Ionising Energy Loss
- Radiation damage in solar cells
- Single event upsets
- Spacecraft Charging
- Models of spacecraft charging
- Plasma velocity and energy distributions
- Earth's Neutral Atmosphere and Ionosphere
- Atmosphere and ionosphere models
- Atomic oxygen erosion
- Modelling the Magnetic Field
- Spherical functions and their normalisations
- Magnetic field models
- Dipole Approximations of the Earth magnetic field
- Meteoroid and Debris Models
- Planetary Models and Tools
- Radiation Sources
- Jovian trapped particle radiation models
- Satellite Irradiation
- Geant4 Tools
- Indices
- Description of geomagnetic indices
- Comparison of coronal holes, Solar wind streams, and geomagnetic activity
Background Information at Other Servers
- ESTEC Pages on the space environment
- Oulu Space Physics Textbook
Last update: Tue, 10 Sep 2024