Table of Contents ECSS Model Page
Background Information Radiation sources and effects

Solar cells are subject to degradation by exposure to proton and electron radiation. The EQFLUX programme calculates solar cell 1 MeV damage equivalent electron fluences for exposure to the fluences predicted by the trapped radiation models for Earth or Jupiter and the solar proton flux models.

Damage ratios for conversion to damage equivalent fluences are available for Si [Tada and Carter, 1982], GaAs [Anspaugh, 1996] and multijunction [Marvin, 2000] cells.

Advanced users have the option to upload a file with RDC values. The input file should be in the same format as this sample input file, i.e. Once a file has been uploaded, it can be re-used without uploading it again.

To generate an input file, the user can use the RDC converter tool that is available inside miscellaneous. The tool converts unidirectional RDCs into omnidirectional ones.

When the input form has been completed, pressing the button will start the calculation and bring up the "Results" page.

The button calls up the model selection page for consecutive runs of multiple models. This feature is available for advanced users only.

Warning: using these buttons deletes all existing output from the EQFLUX model, in order to ensure consistency in the outputs.


EQFLUX produces the files listed in the table below. A description of the format of the files can be brought up by clicking on their description in the table.

The report file spenvis_efp.html contains the input parameters and summary tables. The output file spenvis_efo.txt contains the damage equivalent fluences.

Output files generated by EQFLUX
File name Description
spenvis_efp.html Report file
spenvis_efo.txt Damage equivalent fluences

To generate plots, select the plot type(s), options and graphics format, and click the button. The current page will be updated with the newly generated plot files.

The button calls up the output page for consecutive runs of multiple models. This button only appears when EQFLUX has been included in the combined model run selection. This feature is available for advanced users only.


B. E. Anspaugh, GaAs Solar Cell Radiation Handbook, JPL Publication 96-9, 1996.

Marvin, D. C., Assessment of Multijunction Solar Cell Performance in Radiation Environments, Aerospace Report No. TOR-2000(1210)-1, 2000.

Tada, H. Y., J. R. Carter, Jr., B. E. Anspaugh, and R. G. Downing, Solar Cell Radiation Handbook, Third Edition, JPL Publication 82-69, 1982.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018