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INFN SR-NIEL Calculator

This tool calculates the Screened Relativistic Non-Ionising Energy Loss (NIEL) curve for a particle incident on a material. The method applied is that described in the background pages.

The input parameters and options for the tool are described below. When the input form has been completed, pressing the button will start the calculation and bring up the "Results" page.

Input parameters

Incident Particle

Using the pull down menu, the user can select the species of the incident particle, either an electron or one of the elemental ions.

Electron Form

When an electron incident particle is selected, it is possible to specify the nuclear form factor model to be used. This is one of Exponential, Gaussian or Uniform. This form factor accounts for the spatial distribution of charge density probed in the electron-nucleus scattering.

Target Materials

Pre-defined materials

Four pre-defined target materials are provided to the user:

The user may change the displacement threshold energies [eV] for each of the elements in the pre-defined material, but they will be overwritten on a page refresh.

However, if the pre-defined material is first selected, and then the "User defined" material is selected, the pre-defined parameters will be loaded into the interface and the displacement energies can be modified and saved.

For the Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, the model automatically includes the hadronic interaction in the calculation, which is noticeable at the high energy end of the NIEL curve.

User Defined Material

By selecting the "User defined" option as a target material, it is possible to specify other materials. First, the number of elements in the material must be specified, e.g "2" for Gallium Arsenide. The web form will refresh to provide a row for each element and their required parameters:

User Defined Material Form


The INFN-NIEL calculation tool produces the files listed in the table below. A description of the file formats can be brought up by clicking on their description in the table.

The report file spenvis_niel.html contains the input parameters and the NIEL curve in a table.

The output file spenvis_niel.txt contains the Non-Ionising Energy Loss for the incident particle and material as function of incident particle's energy.

Output files generated by the NIEL Calculator
File name Description
spenvis_niel.html Report file
spenvis_niel.txt NIEL curve

To generate plots, select the plot type(s), options and graphics format, and click the button. The current page will be updated with the newly generated plot files.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018