Table of Contents ECSS Model Page
Background Information Geant4 tools
Effective dose and ambient dose equivalent

Table of contents

  1. Model overview
  2. MULASSIS parameters
    1. Geometry definition
    2. Material definition
    3. Source particles
    4. Physics models and production cuts-in-range
    5. MULASSIS analysis
  3. Analysis parameters
  4. Results
  5. References

Model overview

This model uses the Pelliccioni conversion coefficients[4] for converting MULASSIS[1] flux/fluence analysis outputs into effective dose or ambient dose equivalent.

More specifically, this tool allows the user to define a multi-layered, one-dimensional shield, incident particle source and physics scenario. Then, it uses MULASSIS[1] to simulate radiation transport through the geometry, treating electromagnetic and nuclear interactions, in order to calculate the flux/fluence behind the shielding. MULASSIS is executed remotely without the need to install Geant4[2] and the MULASSIS code on a local computer.

In turn, the resulting flux/fluence is used in combination with the appropriate conversion coefficients[4] and provides the following information:

MULASSIS parameters

The SPENVIS interface to MULASSIS simplifies the process of defining run parameters via a number of input pages (see below) that a user can access from a table on the main page of the model. In addition, some information on the status and a short summary of the user input is also displayed.

Users can go to any particular input page and enter their settings. After they are done, they can hit the button and return to the main model page. Once they are satisfied with all their input they can use the button to generate the macro file. Pressing the button will start the calculation and bring up the results page.

Advanced users have the option to input a number of fine-tuning parameters.

As the model uses a Monte-Carlo simulation-based code, execution times can be very long. In order to guarantee the consistency between the different models available in the SPENVIS system (e.g. particle spectrum vs. total ionising dose), the user project is 'blocked' while running the multi-layered shielding simulation, but navigation remains possible. The execution is limited to ten minutes of CPU-time on the simulation machine. If the MULASSIS run exceeds this limit, the simulation will be terminated and intermediate results returned to the user.

Note that the following inputs are used for generating the MULASSIS macro file.

Geometry definition

The user can choose the geometry he/she wants to use with the selection menu .

The default geometry is a single planar slab geometry with 26 layers (the boundaries are equivalent to the default SHIELDOSE thicknesses, but the geometry as a whole isn't). The material for the default geometry is Aluminium.

When a user defined geometry is chosen, the page includes a table with the choice of a geometry, and the number of layers to use. The next lines of the table are created dynamically, depending on the number of layers. For each layer, the user can define the material to use, the thickness (with units), and the colour to use in the graphical representation. For the material, there are four defaults defined: Vacuum, Air, Aluminium and Silicon. Pressing the button in the header of the table opens the material definition page and allows the user to choose other materials or define new materials.

The next option is to get some graphical representation of the chosen geometry. This can be made in two formats, i.e. PostScript or VRML (available only if number of layers is less than ten), with or without particle tracks. Note that no particle tracks would be represented in the graphics file if more than hundred primary particles are requested for the simulation.

Material definition

Users can employ the material definition tool to either specify their own material or make use of the predefined lists.

Source particles

The incident (source) particles, their energy spectrum and angular distribution can be specified in terms of the Geant4 General Particle Source (gps). These settings are used as an input for the Multi-Layered Shielding Simulation (MULASSIS).

The energy spectrum selection depends on which SPENVIS radiation model has run before. If the trapped radiation models or the solar particle mission fluence models have run then the options are Trapped proton, Trapped electron or Solar proton respectively.

Next, the user then to give the number of incident particles he wants to simulate in the Monte-Carlo run. As the total time for the run is limited, this number should be chosen as small as possible but large enough to provide statistically meaningful results. As a guideline, users should first make a run with a limited number of incident particles. When the results seem to make sense, a new run with more particles can be made to improve the statistics.

Warning: The particle track visualisation will be disabled when the number of particle is greater than 100!

The next part defines various parameters related to the energy and angular spectrum of the incident particles. The different options for the energy spectrum depend on the selection of the environment and the energy spectrum in the previous section. Note that the definition of the energy spectrum is not available when geantino is selected as the source particle.

Advanced users can make the simulation of the trapped particle or solar particle mission fluence spectra more efficient by adding the option for energy biasing. The large range of the environmental particle spectra can make it improbable that the higher energy/low flux particles of the spectrum will be simulated. To counter this and improve the efficiency of the simulation, energy biasing can be used, which increases the probability of the low flux particles being generated. This is particularly useful when the spectrum is soft or the shielding is thick. Because of Bremstrahlung generation, the results for electrons can be misleading.

It is assumed that all of the particle spectra are "omnidirectional", or have been integrated over 4PI, i.e. there are no units for sr-1. The particle spectra can be either flux or fluence spectra. For this reason, the unit (s-1) is placed between brackets. The units for other terms depend on the angular distribution (see below).

As the spectra obtained from the trapped particle, the solar proton models, and the user-defined spectrum consist of pointwise data, these can be interpolated for other energies using several interpolation methods. The methods available are: .

Physics models and production cuts-in-range

Physics processes

Advanced users can specify the physics scenario and the global cuts-in-range using the physics models template that is common for the Geant4 tools in SPENVIS.

Production cuts-in-range by region

A region is a collection of geometry volumes. Volumes that require different cuts from the global ones can be grouped into regions and each region can be given its own cuts.

More specifically in MULASSIS, advanced users can group the shield layers into different regions and apply different cuts to each region. It can be a single cut for gamma, electron and positron productions, or different cuts for each type of the three particles.

MULASSIS analysis

For the purpose of this application the MULASSIS analysis has been fix internally to return the fluence/flux behind the user's defined shielding. Protons, electrons, neutrons and gamma-rays are chosen to be logged and histogrammed.

The energy binning scheme has been defined as a user-defined binning scheme consisting of fifty seven bins from 0 to 1000 GeV. The edges of each bin have been chosen in such a way that the binning scheme covers the same energy range that was used for calculating the conversion coefficients.

For the angle binning scheme the default option is used i.e. linear binning scheme from 0 to 180 degrees comprising of two bins (to monitor forward propagation and backward propagation at the boundary). Note that for the purpose of this application we are interested only on the forward propagation.

The units of fluence used to generate the MULASSIS output is selected as particles/cm2 per bin. Finally, the fluence/flux is assumed to be omni-directional.

Analysis parameters

Two different types of analysis are available[4] :

The user can make only one analysis at a time. For more analyses new runs are needed.

Finally, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure the consistency between the definition of the radiation source, the shielding geometry and the analysis parameters (i.e. appropriate conversion coefficient tables).

Fluence-to-effective dose

For the calculation of the effective dose[5], [6] the user can select one of following scenarios: The first three scenarios are potentially more interesting for the space environment applications (see Figure 1). The from top and lateral irradiation scenarios assume that for the other directions the shielding is absorbing all radiation. Therefore, a planar slab is should be used for the geometry definition.

The isotropic irradiation scenario requires the use of a spherical geometry. Note that the spherical geometry MUST be used only in combination with isotropic irradiation (an error is generated otherwise). In addition, the last layer of this spherical geometry should be made of vacuum and its thickness should correspond to the radius of the cavity.

Figure 1. Interesting irradiation scenarios for possible space application

Ambient dose equivalent

For the calculation of the Fluence-to-ambient dose equivalent coefficients, a 30 cm diameter sphere of unit density tissue and composition as specified by ICRU was exposed to a parallel particle beam uniformly expanded over its front surface[4]. The medium between the source and the ICRU sphere was assumed to be vacuum.

This is not a typical space radiation environment scenario. However, the symmetry of the ICRU sphere allows one to calculate the effect of isotropic irradiation in terms of ambient dose equivalent[5], [6]. For space radiation environment applications, one could use this option when the distance between the shielding and the target is sufficient.


This application produces the files listed in the table below. A description of the format of the files can be brought up by clicking on their description in the table.

The report file spenvis_smr.txt contains details of the inputs and outputs. The output file spenvis_smo.txt containing tabulated results (effective dose or ambient dose equivalent) for the selected analysis. The MULASSIS output file spenvis_smlo.txt containing tabulated results for fluence/flux behind the shielding. The graphics files spenvis_ml.wrl and spenvis_ml.eps show the 3D geometry or the shield cross section.

Output files generated by the Effective dose and ambient dose equivalent model
File name Description
spenvis_smr.html Report file
spenvis_smo.txt Outputs for the selected analysis type
spenvis_mul.g4mac MULASSIS macro file
spenvis_mlo.txt Outputs for MULASSIS fluence/flux analysis
spenvis_mul.wrl VRML representation of the geometry
spenvis_mul.eps Cross section view of the geometry

To generate plots, select the plot type(s), options and graphics format, and click the button. The current page will be updated with the newly generated plot files.


  1. REAT website
  2. Geant4 website
  3. Geant4 Physics Reference Manual
  4. Pelliccioni, M., Overview of Fluence-to-Effective Dose and Fluence-to-Ambient Dose Equivalent Conversion Coefficients for High Energy Radiation Calculated Using the FLUKA Code, Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 88(4), 279-297, 2000.
  5. ECSS-E-HB-10-12A Calculation of radiation and its effects and margin policy handbook
  6. ECSS-E-10-12 Methods for the calculation of radiation received and its effects, and a policy of design margins

Last update: Fri, 20 Apr 2018