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Velocity and energy distributions



In a neutral gas or a plasma, particles move around with a variety of velocities. Not only the absolute velocity changes, but also the direction. Although it is hard to say what velocity an individual particle may have, it is possible to use a statistical approach to characterize the velocity attributes. The mathematical description of this statistical approach is called the velocity distribution function. In general, this distribution function has to be described in 6-d space, made up of the three spatial vectors and the three velocity vectors, with units [s3 m-6]. In this text, we take the definition that the integration over the three velocity components gives the density. Other definitions exist, such as the one used in ECSS-10-04. There, for distributions that are spatially uniform and isotropic, the function is written as f(v), a function of scalar velocity v, with units [s m-4], and to obtain the density, integration over the scalar velocity and not over the velocity components is necessary.

Since there is a relation between energy and velocity, i.e. E = ½ m v2, with m the mass of the particle, the same approach can be used to describe the energy distribution, f(E).

The distribution function can be converted to a flux by integration:

Flux as function of <I>v</I>
or, since mv dv = dE
Flux as function of <I>E</I>

Maxwellian distribution

In thermal equilibrium, the plasma distribution function can be described by:
with: In terms of scalar velocity v, the Maxwellian distribution becomes:
Maxwellian as function of scalar velocity

The complete distribution is described by a pair of values for density and temperature. Even non-equilibrium can often be usefully described by a combination of two Maxwellians or a Maxwellian and a generalized Lorentzian.

Double Maxwellian distribution

Unstable velocity distributions are non-Maxwellian distributions that have some sort of anisotropy such as a beam, a temperature anisotropy, or an anisotropy in pitch angle. The velocity distribution used for a beam (i.e. a second plasma population flowing through the first), is the simplest case and can be treated in one dimension. The distributions of both plasmas are Maxwellian, but the overall distribution is not. This is called a Double Maxwellian and is described by two pairs of values for density and temperature.
Double Maxwellian
where the indices "h" and "c" refer to hot and cold plasma respectively.

An example of a Double Maxwellian velocity distribution is the SCATHA worst case environment which is used for the assessment of surface charging. Table 1 lists the densities and temperatures for the SCATHA worst case charging event, where the spacecraft charged to -8 kV in sunlight on 24 April 1979. It should be noted that although the listed ion and electron densities are not equal, electrical neutrality is maintained by less energetic plasma which is not involved in the charging event and so not listed.

Table I. SCATHA Worst case charging event
Double Maxwellian Fit Electrons Ions
n [cm-3] kT [keV] n [cm-3] kT [keV]
Cold plasma 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2
Hot plasma 1.2 27.5 1.3 28.0

Bi-Maxwellian distribution

Another example of an unstable velocity distribution is one in which there is a temperature anisotropy, meaning that the temperature characterizing the movement of the particles in one direction is different from that of another direction. For this case, a two dimensional distribution must be used. The coordinate system usually used consists of the parallel and perpendicular velocities with respect to the background magnetic field. A stable two dimensional distribution (i.e. one wich is Maxwellian in both the parallel and perpendicular directions) is independent from the direction. A contour plot in the plane (vparallel, vperpendicular) will look like concentric circles.

However, if the temperature is larger in one direction than in the other, the distribution will be oblong along the first direction. The resulting equation becomes:

In terms of the parallel and perpendicular components, this can be written as:

Generalized Lorentzian

Most of the time, the velocity distribution function of particles in space plasmas has a non-Maxwellian superthermal tail. The distribution function decreases generally as a power law of the velocity v instead of exponentially (Bame et al., 1967). A useful function to model such plasmas is the generalized Lorentzian (or kappa) distribution (Summers and Thorne, 1991):


When the spectral index kappa increases towards infinity, the Lorentzian tends to a Maxwellian.

Kappa distributions have been used to analyse spacecraft data collected in the Earth's magnetospheric plasma sheet and in the solar wind (Scudder, 1992; Pierrard and Lemaire, 1996).


Bame, S. J., J. R. Asbridge, H. E. Felthauser, E. W. Hones Jr., and I. B. Strong, Characteristics of the plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res., 72, pp. 113-119, 1967.

Pierrard, V., and J. Lemaire, Lorentzian ion exosphere model, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7923, 1996.

Scudder, J. D., On the causes of temperature change in inhomogeneous low-density astrophysical plasmas, Astrophys. J., 398, 99, 1992.

Summers, D., and R. M. Thorne, The modified plasma dispersion function, Phys. Fluids B, 8(3), pp. 1835-1847, 1991.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018