Table of Contents ECSS Model Page
Background Information Radiation sources and effects
Combined run

A radiation analysis (Earth, Jupiter) typically consists of running a number of models in sequence, e.g. the orbit generator followed by one or more radiation environment models and a number of radiation effects models.

In the course of such an analysis, it is often necessary to run this model suite a number of times with different parameters, in order to study the effect of, for instance, the orbit configuration on the total mission dose. The combined run feature facilitates this process: instead of having to run all models in a model suite consecutively, they can be selected as a batch and run in sequence without any further user interaction. Thus, it is not necessary to wait for the completion of one model, navigate to the input pages of the next model and start a model run. Instead, once a model suite has been set up by defining the necessary parameters, one run command is sufficient to complete the requested model runs and to have access to all the model outputs.

Access to the combined run pages in the form of a button is provided on all radiation model input pages that feature a button, and on the output pages of those models that have been selected for a combined run.

Warning: using the button on the model parameter pages deletes all existing output from that model and from any model that uses this output, in order to ensure consistency in the outputs.

Model selection

As a first step, select the models that are to be run on the selection page. The table on this page presents a list of the radiation analysis models with the following information:
  1. column 1 contains a checkbox to select the model; the checkbox only appears when the model parameters have been modified since the last run, as it is not necessary to re-run a model with the same parameters. There is one exception: when the outputs of the model have been deleted, or will be deleted during the combined run, by running another model. For instance, running the orbit generator will delete all outputs from all the radiation analysis models, so that these models will then have to run again even if their parameters haven't been changed.
    The checkbox also doesn't appear when the model parameters have not yet been defined (this is indicated in the second column), for instance for a newly defined project.
  2. The second column indicates whether the parameters for the models have been defined or not.
  3. The third column provides a direct link to the model input pages to define or change the model parameters. The model parameter pages (at least those pages with a button) have a button to call up the combined run page.
The button brings up a page with a list of the select models and their status.

Selection verification

Once a number of models have been selected, the system checks whether all conditions are satisfied to start the run, i.e. it verifies whether all necessary outputs are available or will be produced during the run. If this is not the case, the name(s) of the model(s) that need to be added to the selection appear in red in the first column of the selection verification table. While there are missing models in this table, return to the model selection page with the button to complete the list.

Some models use output from a number of other models upstream in the radiation analysis. For instance, the SHIELDOSE and NIEL damage models use as input spectra from the trapped radiation (TREP, TREP_JUP) and solar proton models. Either of these spectra are sufficient to run the models. If both spectra are missing, the trapped radiation and solar proton models will appear in red in the selection verification table. If only one spectrum is missing, the name of the missing model appears in black (as a reminder), as it then is not a necessary condition to run the effects models.

The button starts the model run(s) and brings up the results page.


The results page contains a list of links to the output pages of the models that have run successfully, and possibly a list of models that have been selected but did not run.

Clicking on a model link calls up the output page of the corresponding model in the same way as when the model is run separately. When a model is included in the selection list of a combined run, its output page contains a button that points to the combined run results page. This feature allows faster navigation between the results of the various selected models. Another navigation option is to use the Output link in the menu bar at the top of each page.

The button provides a link to the model selection page for a new combined run.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018