Table of Contents ECSS Model Page
Background Information Spacecraft charging
Spacecraft charging: EQUIPOT

Table of contents

Definition of material properties
Definition of the environment
Physics and procedures
Current components
Electron and ion currents
Photo-emission current
Conductance current
Secondary electron currents
Backscatter current
Secondary electron emission due to protons
Secondary electron emission due to electrons
Current and voltage determination
Ram/wake effects
Interpretation of results


The three dimensional simulation of charging of a spacecraft is a very complex procedure. NASCAP (NASA Charging Analyzer Program) is an example of a computer code that performs such a procedure (Katz et al., 1977). NASCAP was developed under NASA contract to perform a quasi-static three dimensional simulation of the charging of a spacecraft [Katz et al., 1977]. NASCAP has been integrated into the ESABASE framework to provide improved user friendly interfaces for model design and display, simplifying assessment of the large amount of post-processing data, displaying the results of charging analysis on the three dimensional model and improving the quality of two dimensional outputs. However, NASCAP remains a research tool: the user needs extensive training to build a representative model and interpret the results, the analysis is time consuming and it is difficult to identify the critical features of a given scenario. MATCHG is a NASCAP routine which performs a simple zero dimensional analysis and provides a very useful first cut. The output from MATCHG can demonstrate whether or not there is a need to run the full NASCAP simulation; in complex cases it can aid the user to anticipate and understand the NASCAP results.

Codes such as NASCAP are out of the scope of SPENVIS. Instead, the much simpler programme EQUIPOT, a part of the program suite ESPIRE, is implemented in SPENVIS. EQUIPOT sets out to do a similar job to MATCHG. It was developed in an attempt to model charging features observed on the Meteosat-2 spacecraft [Wrenn and Johnstone, 1987], using the measured electron flux spectra. EQUIPOT uses simple numerical integration of the multi-point spectra and voltage stepping to minimise net current, instead of seeking a time-based solution in terms of Maxwellian distributions. On realisation that it could also satisfy the ESA requirement for an engineering tool, it has been extended to address Low Earth Orbit environments, to enable the input of Maxwellian distributions and to include the effects of spacecraft velocity.

EQUIPOT Has been designed for a rapid assessment of the likelihood of charging for surface materials on a spacecraft. It utilises a simple geometry (a small isolated patch of material on a spherical spacecraft) to calculate the various components of current to both the body (structure) and the patch, and estimates the equilibrium potentials which will develop in order to achieve zero net current. Approximate charging time is also computed. The structure and patch materials are specified by the user, as well as the plasma environment by defining energy spectra for electron and ion fluxes, and/or Maxwellian distributions.

A number of options are available to cater for plasma regimes with Debye length large (GEO) or small (LEO), solar illumination or shadow, spacecraft velocity (ram and wake effects), and normal or isotropic incidence of particles. For small Debye length, it is reasonable to assume that current collection is sheath limited (plane probe assumption); for large Debye length, the geometry becomes important and a spherical probe assumption offers an alternative limit.

Definition of material properties

In EQUIPOT, the structure and patch materials are defined in terms of nine parameters:
  1. relative permittivity
  2. thickness (m)
  3. conductivity (ohm-1 m-1)
  4. atomic number
  5. maximum SEE yield for electrons
  6. electron energy for maximum SEE yield (keV)
  7. energy loss power (for Sims SEE formula)
  8. density (g cm-3), used with Feldman stopping power fit
  9. SEE yield for 1 keV protons
  10. proton energy for maximum SEE yield (keV)
  11. photoelectric current (A m-2)
  12. surface resistivity (ohm square-1), not used
  13. flag for selecting the SEE formula: 1 for Katz, 0 for Sims, -1 for Whipple, -2 for Burke
  14. Katz parameter R1
  15. Katz parameter n1
  16. Katz parameter R2
  17. Katz parameter n2
  18. atomic weight, used with Feldman stooping power fit
  19. number of valence electrons in a monomeric unit (for Burke SEE formula)
  20. molecular weight in gram of a monomeric unit (for Burke SEE formula)
These parameters are a subset of the NASCAP parameter set. The user can select default values for these parameters from a list of material properties provided by the ESA SPINE (Spacecraft Plasma Interactions Network in Europe), substitute new values, or define new materials. The first three parameters are not required for conducting materials.

Secondary emission yield is a function of the energy of an incoming particle. To describe the yield for a selected material, the report file produced by EQUIPOT contains tables of values for incident electrons, including backscattering, and protons with isotropic and normal distributions and energy between 10 eV and 5 MeV. The adopted models from Whipple (1981) are described below.

For the structure it is possible to impose a potential. In this case, no other parameters are required for the structure.

The isolated patch may be of insulating or conducting material. In the latter case, it is necessary to specify the properties (thickness, conductivity, relative permittivity) of an intermediate insulator.

Definition of the environment

EQUIPOT caters for ten components to define the charged particle environment:
  1. three thermal electron spectra, defined by a density and a temperature;
  2. three thermal ion spectra, defined by a density, temperature and mean mass;
  3. one electron flux spectrum, defined as a series of energies and fluxes;
  4. three ion flux spectra, defined as a series of energies and fluxes plus a mass.
The thermal spectra are defined as double Maxwellians.

A number of pre-defined environments, listed in Table 1, are available. Alternatively, the user can fully specify the environment by entering the thermal spectra parameters and/or values for the flux spectra.

Table 1. Pre-defined environments in EQUIPOT
Description Thermal electron spectra Thermal ion spectra Electron flux spectrum Ion flux spectra Reference
Low altitude environments
IRI at solar minimum, in winter, at 800 km, plus 10 kR aurora 1 3 yes 1  
IRI at solar maximum, in summer, at 800 km, plus 10 kR aurora 1 3 yes 1  
Maxwellians for 1,000 km plus aurora 1 3 yes 1  
Auroral type spectra from DMSP 1 1 yes 1  
Cold Maxwellians for ram test 1 1 no none  
Test spectra and Maxwellians 3 3 yes 1  
Cold Single Maxwellian and Fontheim electrons 1 1 yes none Fontheim et al., 1982
High altitude environments
ECSS worst case model (SCATHA) 2 2 no none Gussenhoven and Mullen, 1983
NASA guidelines worst case 2 2 no none Mullen and Gussenhovenn, 1982
NASA guidelines average GEO environment 2 2 no none Purvis et al., 1984
Meteosat very disturbed none none yes 1 Wrenn and Johnstone, 1987
Meteosat very quiet none none yes 1 Wrenn and Johnstone, 1987

Physics and procedures

The net current to a surface on a spacecraft is very difficult to determine because of the large number of components and factors which must be taken into account. Equilibrium will only be attained in steady state conditions (which are rare at GEO); it simply requires that the sum of all currents be zero. Such a state evolves through negative feedback as the surface potential V changes:

CA dV/dt = J(V) + sigma V ,

where dV/dt is the time derivative of V, CA is the capacitance per unit area and sigma is the conductance.

The current density J is a function of V which is both non-linear and non-local. The surface potential creates a plasma sheath in which the charged particle populations are modified from their ambient state. Current collection is then a function of sheath geometry which depends on the potentials of surrounding surfaces. Realistic modelling clearly requires to be three dimensional and NASCAP attempts the taks. However, even with 1200 elements there are practical limitations on the accuracy of definition for complex spacecraft systems. It is impossible to properly represent small items (e.g. solar array interconnects) which could be critically important if they support high potentials.

The sheath dimension relates to the Debye length lambdaD (m) of the plasma as

lambdaD = 69 (Te/Ne)0.5 ,

where Te (K) is the temperature and Ne (m-3) is the concentration of electrons.

In GEO, lambdaD is typically tens of metres, much larger than the dimensions of the surface element or even the spacecraft. In LEO, lambdaD is typically a few millimetres, much smaller than the dimensions of a satellite.

EQUIPOT Makes no attempt to realistically model the geometry, it assumes a very simple model of an isolated patch of material on the surface of a spherical spacecraft (see Fig. 1). The situation of a shadowed patch on a sunlit satellite is the one most likely to produce severe differential charging. Figure 2 illustrates the forms of sheath geometry which will develop in thick sheath and thin sheath extremes. The current-voltage characteristic for the patch will depend upon possible sheath expansion, as covered by Langmuir probe theory (see Fig. 3).

Schematic of EQUIPOT geometry
Figure 1. Schematic showing the geometry used by EQUIPOT

Schematic of EQUIPOT geometry
Figure 2. Schematic of thick and thin sheath growth on an isolated patch

Sheath configurations
Figure 3. Thick and thin sheath configurations with probe theory limits

In the thin sheath limit (small lambdaD, LEO) the effective collecting area cannot increase and the electron current is limited to the random value pertaining to V=0:

Je = Je0   for V => 0 .

In the thick sheath case (large lambdaD, GEO) the effective collecting area, and thus the current, increases with V. Here the extreme is represented by the case of a small spherical probe and the critical impact parameter limitation which gives a linear relationship between J and V:

Je = Je0 (1+eV/E)   for V => 0 ,

where e is the magnitude of the electronic charge and E is the energy. For a Maxwellian distribution (an ideal thermal gas) E = kTe, with k the Boltzmann constant. Temperatures are conveniently expressed in eV (1 eV = 11,605 K).

The characteristics for ion current are the same but with a reversal of sign for charge, V and J; however, Ji0 is much smaller than Je0 because the random current is inversely proportional to the square root of mass m. For a Maxwellian with temperature T,

J0 = (8kT/pi m)0.5 .

In reality, the J-V characteristic will be somewhere between the two extremes.

Current components

The total current Jnet to a surface will involve numerous components (see Fig. 4). EQUIPOT Takes some account of them all and carries out a numerical integration for each component:

Jnet = -Je + Jbe + Jse + Ji + Jsi + Jpe + Jc .

Current diagram
Figure 4. Current components to a surface on a spacecraft

Electron and ion currents

The electron current (Je) and ion current (Ji) are computed from the user defined environment. Backscattered electrons (Jbe), secondary emitted electrons from incident electrons (Jse) and incident protons (Jsi) are then determined using yield functions. Photo-electrons (Jpe) and conduction current (Jc) are calculated from the user supplied material properties.

For the numerical integration, the energy range of the input spectra is split into intervals using linear interpolation. With flux spectra the energy ranges are given by the limits of the input data. For Maxwellians, the minimum and maximum energies are set to 0.05 kT and 10 kT, respectively. Given a mixture of spectra and Maxwellians, the minimum and maximum energies are the extremes from all components. In the latter case, flux values are first taken from the input flux spectra and then from the Maxwellians, outside the flux spectra ranges. The differential number flux for a Maxwellian is given by

5.325x1010 Ne E Te-1.5 e-E/Te

for electrons and by

1.244x109 Ni E Ti-1.5 e-E/Ti M-0.5

for protons, where M is the molecular weight. For accelerating potentials and a thick sheath, the Maxwellian fluxes are increased according to the probe theory.

The electron and ion fluxes are converted to currents (nA m-2) by multiplication with the factor 109 pi e (e = 1.602x10-19 C). The secondary currents are then determined and all these components are integrated using a simple Simpson rule procedure. Given a surface potential V, the integration is cut off below energies eV for retarded particles.

Photo-emission current

Input photo-emission current densities are based upon full sunlight at normal incidence. The structure can be chosen to be in sunlight or in eclipse. The sun angle for the isolated patch is input by the user and reduces the photocurrent in proportion to its cosine.

If the surface is positive, not all photo-electrons and secondary electrons will escape. The corresponding currents are then reduced by a factor exp(-0.5 V/Ts), where Ts is the effective temperature of the emitted electrons. Following Whipple [1981], the temperatures are specified as follows:

photo-electrons: 3 eV;
secondaries from electrons: 2 eV;
secondaries from protons: 5 eV.

Conductance current

The conductance current from patch to structure uses the thickness and conductivity parameters for a dielectric or an intermediate insulator.

Secondary electron currents

The secondary currents are determined using the appropriate yields:

Jbe = Yb Je
Jsi = Ysi Ji
Jse = Yse Je

for either normal or isotropic incidence of the input fluxes.

Backscatter current
For normal incidence the backscatter yield Yb is a function of the electron energy (in eV) at the surface Es = E + eV:

Es (eV) Yb
>100,000 0
10,000-100,000 1 - 0.73580.037Z
1,000-10,000 1 - 0.73580.037Z + 0.1 exp(-Es/5,000)
50-1,000 0.3338 ln(Es/50) [1 - 0.73580.037Z + 0.1 exp(-Es/50)]
<50 0

where Z is the atomic number. For isotropic incidence, the normal value Yb is transformed to 2 (1-Yb+YblnYb) / ln2Yb.

Secondary electron emission due to protons
For normal incidence, the secondary electron emission yield due to protons is a function of the energy (in keV) at the surface Es = (E-eV) / 1000:

Ysi = Y1 Es1/2 (1+1/Em) / (1+Es/Em) ,

where Y1 is the yield at 1 keV and Em is the energy for maximum yield. For isotropic incidence, Ysi is given by:

Ysi = (2-Q/2) 2-Q Y1 Es1/2 (1+Es/Em) ,

     Q = 0             for         Es > 10
     Q = 1/Es - 0.1    for 0.476 < Es < 10
     Q = 2             for         Es < 0.476
Secondary electron emission due to electrons
The secondary electron emission yield due to electrons is given as a function of the energy (in keV) at the surface Es = (E+eV) / 1000.

The accuracy of secondary electron yields is crucial to charging analysis (Katz et al., 1986). Therefore, four different formulations of the emission yield are implemented in EQUIPOT.

The equation of Burke (1980) is specific for polymers.The yield is given by:

Yse = 1.959 Ym (Es/Em) [1-exp(-Q)]/Q,

where Ym is the maximum yield, which lies at energy Em (keV), and Q = 1.284 (Es/Em)1.725. The values of Ym and Em are computed from the relations:

Ym = 9.5Em

Em = [K/12.09)]0.580

where K is the emission coefficient which can be quantitatively expressed as K=10.64(N/M)-3.15 where N/M is the ratio of the number of valence electrons to the gram molecular weight of a monomeric unit.
It has been remarked that for heavily halogenated polymers like Teflon it is better to use the measured value of K, however the theoretical value following from N/M is used here.
For normal incidence, the yield is given by:

Yse = 1.114 [1-exp(-Q)] Ym (Em/Es)0.35 ,

where Ym is the maximum yield, which lies at energy Em (keV), and Q = 2.28 (Es/Em)1.35. For isotropic incidence, Yse is given by:

Yse = 2.228 [Q-1+exp(-Q)] / Q Ym (Em/Es)0.35 .

For normal incidence, the yield is given by:

Yse = Ym / [1-exp(xm)] (Em/Es)n-1 {1-exp[xm(Es/Em)n]} ,

where n is the energy loss power and xm is the dimensioneless range at maximum yield:

xm = (1-1/n) [exp(xm)-1] ,

which is solved numerically with a Newton-Raphson iteration.

For isotropic incidence,

Yse = Ym / [1-exp(xm)] (Em/Es)n-1 2 [x+exp(-x)-1] / x ,

where x = xm (ES/Em)n .
This equation is the most complicated of the three secondary emission formulae [Katz et al., 1977]. The electron range R is defined as:

R = r1 Esn1 + r2 Esn2 ,

where r1, n1, r2 and n2 are range parameters.

First a maximum range Ru is calculated, i.e. R=Ru when

dE/dx = (dR/dEs)-1 + d2R/dEs2 (dR/dEs)-3 x = 0 .

This is solved using a quadratic equation root finding algorithm.

Yield as a function of directional flux, with angle of incidence theta, is given by:

Yse(Es,theta) = c1 {Ru (dR/dEs)-1 [1-exp(-Q)]/Q + Ru2 d2R/dEs2 (dR/dEs)-3 [1-(Q+1)exp(-Q)]/Q2} ,

where Q = c2 Ru cos(theta). c2 is found numerically by fitting dY/dE=0 to Em for normal incidence, using a Newton-Raphson iteration. Then c1 is found by fitting Yse(Em) to Ym for normal incidence.

In the event that the full set of range parameters for the Katz formula are not available, then a formula by [Feldman, 1960] may be used to infer them from the density rho, the atomic number A and the mean molecular weight mu:

    n1 = 1.2 / [1 - 0.29 log(A)]
    R1 = 250 mu / rho * A-0.5n1
    n2 = 0
    R2 = 0
The use of this approximation has been implemented in order to be complementary with NASCAP and MATCHG.

The additional root-finding and numerical fitting involved in the Katz algorithm and, to a lesser extent the Sims algorithm, makes the code potentially less stable than with the Whipple formula alone. This is because bad values input by users may result in situations where there is no sensible root or fitted value. The code will capture two cases:

In both these cases the code will exit with an error message.

Current and voltage determination

Once the environment and materials have been specified, the current and voltage are determined. The equilibrium potential of the structure is determined with the assumption that it is a sphere with diameter of 1 m. The patch is assumed to have planar geometry. The EQUIPOT report file contains a table with currents to the patch for each voltage step. This is useful for examining J-V characteristics and searching for multiple roots in the equilibrium (Jnet = 0) solution.

The code employs a potential stepping algorithm, controlling direction and increment, to minimise Jnet and locate equilibirum assuming a single root solution (see Fig. 5 for a flow chart of the algorithm). The voltage step is repeatedly multiplied by a factor of ten until Jnet changes sign. When this occurs, the voltage step is reduced by a factor of ten, a new loop is initiated and continued with further reductions until equilibrium is reached (i.e. the voltage step is reduced to less than either 0.001 V or 0.02 V).

Flow chart
Figure 5. Voltage stepping algorithm used by EQUIPOT

The charging time is estimated by determining Delta t = CA Delta V / Jmean for each step and summing over all steps to equilibrium. Here Jmean is the mean current during the step and CA is the capacitance per unit area. Of course, the error in Delta t relates directly to the size of Delta V since constancy of Jnet through the step is assumed. An equivalent charging time constant T is determined at the final step as

T = Sum Delta t / ln(J0/Jnet) .

For the structure, CA is taken to be 8.854x10-12 F m-2 (the free space capacitance of a 1 m sphere). For the patch it is taken to be 8.854x10-12 epsilon/tau F m-2, where epsilon is the relative permittivity of the dielectric or intermediate insulator and tau is the thickness. The capacitance of the patch to space is small compared with the capacitance to structure. It must be realised that the calculated charging time constant is only of order of magnitude accuracy.

Ram/wake effects

A satellite in low Earth orbit has an orbital speed greater than the thermal speed of ambient ions. This increases ion currents in the ram direction and reduces currents in the wake. Significant charging in LEO will generally be confined to wake configurations. Moving to higher altitude, towards GEO, orbital speeds decrease and thermal speeds increase and the effects diminish but they may not be negligible for particular applications. Since the plasma does not corotate with the Earth, the real drift velocity is probably unknown. Proper modelling of wake sheaths (Martin et al., 1990) cannot be attempted within EQUIPOT, but the user can include basic modification of ion currents. The satellite speed is derived from the altitude (with the assumption of a spherical orbit). The angle of attack with respect to the patch normal can be specified, while a control parameter selects between RAM_OFF, RAM_ON, or WAKE_ON.

In the RAM_ON configuration, thermal ion components with temperatures less than 5 eV are treated as drifting Maxwellians. The integrated current densities are then given by:

0.02003 Ni Wt {0.5642/Qd [(Qv+Qd) exp(-(Qv-Qd)2) - (Qv-Qd) exp(-(Qv+Qd)2)] +
(0.5/Qd + Qd - Qv2/Qd) [erf(Qv+Qd)- erf(Qv-Qd)]}

for a sphere when V=>0 (Whipple, 1981);

0.04005 Ni Wt [0.5642 exp(-Qd2) + (Qd + 0.5/Qd + Qv2/Qd) erf(Qd)]

for a sphere when V<0 (Whipple, 1981);

0.08011 Ni Wt {0.5642 exp[-(Qd-Qv)2] + Qd + Qd erf(Qd-Qv)}

for a plane when V=>0;

0.08011 Ni Wt [0.5642 exp(-Qd2) + Qd + Qd erf(Qd)]

for a plane when V<0. Here, Qv = (|V|/Ti)0.5, Qd = Wd/Wt, Wt = 13.84 (Ti/M)0.5, Wd is the drift speed (km s-1), Ni is the ion concentration (m-3), and Ti is the ion temperature (eV). For the patch, Wd is reduced by a factor cosine(angle of attack). If V<<0, Jsi may be significant. For protons, the mean energy at the surface is approximately 0.00522 Wd2 + Ti - eV .

In the WAKE_ON configuration, a wake void is assumed such that the thermal ion current to the patch is further reduced by a factor of sine(angle of attack > 90°).

Interpretation of results

Having successfully run the code and obtained an equilibrium potential, the user is faced with the problem of deciding whether such a level of charging represents a real hazard or not. The probability of breakdown via punch-through will depend upon the dimension and dielectric strength of the insulation involved. However, breakdown to space (blow-off) and across surfaces (flash-over) are common modes of discharge on spacecraft (Wrenn, 1990).

The user is probably concerned with worst case situations and EQUIPOT is an excellent tool for identifying these. Following a realistic scan of all the variables and finding no equilibrium potential above 100 V, the user can be confident that there is no serious charging problem. On the other hand, potentials above 1000 V would certainly justify a more detailed study. Results between 100 V and 1000 V should prompt the user to seek parameter changes which would reduce the predicted charging to an acceptable level; expedient design modification may then be indicated.


Burke, E.A., Secondary emission from polymers, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-27, p. 1760, 1980.

Feldman, C., Phys. Rev., 117, 455, 1960.

Fontheim, E. G.,Statistical Study of Precipitating Electrons, Journal of Geophysical Research, VoL 87, No. A5, p. 3469-3480, 1982.

Gussenhoven, M. S., and E. G. Mullen, Geosynchronous Environment for Severe Spacecraft Charging, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 20, 26, 1983.

Katz, I., et al., A three-dimensional study of electrostatic charging in materials, NASA CR-135256, 1977.

Katz, I., M. Mandell, G. Jongeward, and M. S. Gussenhoven, The importance of accurate secondary electron yields in modeling spacecraft charging, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 13,739-13,744, 1986.

Martin, A. R., et al., Large Polar Orbiting Spacecraft Plasma Wake Studies, Final Report on MOD(PE) Contract SLS32A/1937, 1990.

Gussenhoven, M. S., and E. G. Mullen, A "Worst Case" Spacecraft Environment as Observed by SCATHA on 24 April 1979, AIAA Paper 82-0271, Jan. 1982.

Purvis, C. K., H. B. Garrett, A. C. Whittlesey, and N. J. Stevens, Design Guidelines for Assessing and Controlling Spacecraft Charging Effects, NASA Technical Paper 2361, 1984.

Sims, A.J., Electrostatic Charging of Spacecraft in Geosynchronous Orbit, Tech Memo SPACE, 389, DRA 1992.

Whipple, E. C., Potentials of surfaces in space, Rep. Prog. Phys., 44, 1197-1250, 1981.

Wrenn, G. L., Spacecraft Charging Effects, RAE Tech Memo SPACE 375, 1990.

Wrenn, G. L., and A. D. Johnstone, Evidence for Differential Charging on Meteosat-2, J. Electrostatics, 20, 59-84, 1987.

Wrenn, G. L., and A. J. Sims, The 'Equipot' Charging Code, Working Paper SP-90-WP-37, 1990; updated by D.J. Rodgers, 2002.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018