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Background Information Spacecraft charging
Spacecraft charging: SOLARC


Most operational spacecraft have power generation capabilities of the order of a kilowatt or less and low voltage distribution systems. Typically, electrical distribution system voltages of 28 volts and solar array operating voltages of 30 to 36 volts are used. However, for large space platforms such as the Space Station, the substantially higher power levels to be incorporated will require very much higher voltages for the solar array and associated electrical distribution system. This is simply to avoid transporting large electrical currents with the attendent large bus bar dimensions and high resistive power losses.

Because the ambient plasma density in LEO is not negligible, any structure with high voltages will interact with the plasma environment as electrons are attracted to positive surfaces and ions are attracted to negative surfaces. The voltages of various parts of the structure and solar array, relative to the local plasma potential, will depend on the configuration of electron and ion collecting surfaces, the voltage difference between such surfaces, and the nature of the plasma environment. The structure will, in other words, float at some specified potential relative to the plasma potential, with the solar array floating at various potentials dependent on the position along the array that one considers. Figure 1 illustrates this phenomenon for a structure grounded to the negative end of the solar array.

Illustration of a solar array/spacecraft
    structure configuration
Figure 1. Illustration of a solar array/spacecraft structure configuration floating relative to the ambient plasma potential

There are several important consequences of the above plasma interaction effect. Because it is so much easier for a surface of given dimensions to collect electrons than ions (due to their different masses) the bulk of the solar array will float negative. If the spacecraft structure is connected (or grounded) to the negative end of the solar array then it too will float negative with respect to the plasma potential. If an approaching space vehicle, such as the Shuttle for example, tries to dock with the structure then there may be a significant transfer of charge between the two vehicles since the approaching spacecraft will be at, essentially, plasma potential. In addition, the negative end of the solar array (and the structure if it is grounded to it) will accelerate ions from the plasma to an energy approximately equivalent to its voltage relative to the plasma potential. Since this may be over a hundred volts, significant erosion may take place over a period of time since 100 eV ions are well above any materials sputtering threshold. This may be very important if the sputtering takes place in areas where sensitive surface coating exists.

In addition to the effects described above there are a number of other plasma interaction phenomena, such as discharges during outgassing and breakdown of dielectric surfaces. The important point to note is that a detailed understanding of these interaction phenomena is a crucial part of the early design phase of such programmes.

The solar array/space plasma interaction model


The solar array/space plasma interaction model SOLARC is part of the ESPIRE suite of programmes for analysing spacecraft/plasma interactions. SOLARC simulates the current collection, voltage distributions and material erosions on solar arrays and spacecraft structures in a space environment. In order to do so, the code requires a description of the plasma environment, a description of the solar array spacecraft structure configuration and models which describe the way the various surfaces collect ions and electrons. The core of the program is concerned with determining the potentials of the solar array and structure relative to the plasma potential.

Any exposed conducting surface at a given voltage V will see a collected current composed of contributions due to ions, Ii, and electrons, Ie:

Icol(V) = Ie - Ii .

The relative contribution of each component will depend on the voltage and will be dominated by one component at large positive or negative voltages. The contributions may be broken down as follows:

Ie = ie - iee - ieb - iep ,

Ii = ii + iei ,

where ie is the electron current to the surface, iee is the secondary electron current from the surface due to the electrons, ieb is the backscattered electron current, iep is the photoemission current from the surface, ii is the ion current to the surface, and iei is the secondary electron current from the surface due to the ions. The current collection is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Schematic illustration of current
Figure 2. Schematic illustration of current collection by a solar array and platform structure

In equilibrium the net current to the spacecraft including the solar array must be zero and, therefore, the sum of the collected current at each surface of given voltage must be zero. If the collected current, at any point, is known as a function of voltage, then the equilibrium distribution of potentials on the solar array and spacecraft structure may be found by adjusting the potentials until this condition is satisfied. This is done ietratively within the program until some convergence level is reached.

Once the potentials on the spacecraft and solar array have been determined, other calculations may be performed such as determining the plasma current and calculating the erosion on particular surfaces.

From the above discussion, it will be clear that a crucial part of obtaining realistic results is the precise nature of the function used to determine the collected currents. These so-called current collection models are described below.

Current collection models

The current collected by a surface depends in detail on the physical characteristics of the surface (materials properties and geometry) and the local plasma environment. Consequently, to accurately simulate the current collection would require simulating secondary electron emission, photoemission, backscattering, and the detailed characteristics of the local plasma environment (particle fluxes, density, temperatures, etc.). Many of these characteristics are highly dependent on particle energy and type. Whilst such calculations are posssible, they are very time consuming and can only be done for small (in terms of Debye length) objects. Moreover, even these calculations often require simplifying assumptions to be made in, for example, the geometry of the objects. Fortunately, there is an alternative way of tackling the problem which is appropriate to a fast, zero order computer code such as SOLARC. This is by defining, a priori, a set of empirical current collection relationships.

The current collection relationships used by SOLARC are simply expressions that define the ratio of the actual to ambient current density collected by a surface at a given potential. The generalised current collection expression used by SOLARC is

J/J0 = a1 + a2 {a3 + a4 [e(|V|-a5)/E]alpha1}alpha2 + b1 exp[b2 e(|V|-b3)/E] ,

where E is the particle energy, V is the surface voltage, J0 is the ambient current density, and J is the actual current density. The parameters an, bn, and alphan are user specified and allow various current collection models to be constructed. Once the collected current density has been calculated the actual collected current can be obtained simply be multiplying by the surface area. One should note that current collection models can be specified for both ions and electrons.

The ambient current density J0 is defined as

J0 = e F0 ,

where F0 is the ambient flux of particles. For a thermal distribution of ions or electrons, F0 is given by

F0 = n/4 (8kT/pi m)0.5 ,

where n and T are the particle density and temperature, respectively, and m is the particle mass.

Four pre-defined current collection models are implemented in SOLARC. These are described below, and are plotted in Figs. 3 and 4.

The four ion current collection models used
    by SOLARC
Figure 3. The four ion current collection models used by SOLARC

The four electron current collection models
    used by SOLARC
Figure 4. The four electron current collection models used by SOLARC

Model 1

The first current collection model is that produced by Viswanathan et al. (1985) based on ground based solar array experiments undertaken at NASA's Lewis Research Center. It has the form:
        J/J0 = 0                    V>0
        J/J0 = 0.25 (1+e|V|/kTi)    V<=0
for ions and
        J/J0 = 5 [1+e(|V|-100)/kTe]    V>100
        J/J0 = 0.025 (1+e|V|/kTe)      0<=V<=100
        J/J0 = 0                       V<0
Ti and Te are the ion and electron temperatures (K), respectively. This model is applicable to solar arrays in which the interconnect area (the area of exposed conductor) is 5% of the total solar array cell area.

Model 2

The second current collection model is due to Stevens (1986) and is derived from data obtained on the PIX-2 spaceflight. It has the form:
        J/J0 = 0                          V>0
        J/J0 = 1.25x10-2(1+e|V|/kTi)3/4    V<=0
for ions and
        J/J0 = 2.5x10-4(5e|V|/kTe)3/2      V=>0
        J/J0 = 0                         V<0
for electrons. This model is applicable to solar arrays of the type used on PIX-2 in a ram environment (i.e. directly exposed to the motion induced ion flux) with an electron temperature of 0.2 eV.

Model 3

The third model is applicable to any surface and is based on a linear increase in the electrostatic sheath with voltage. It has the form:
        J/J0 = exp(-e|V|/kTi)    V>0
        J/J0 = 1 + e|V|/kTi      V<=0
for ions and
        J/J0 = 1 + e|V|/kTe      V>0
        J/J0 = exp(-e|V|/kTe)    V<=0
for electrons. This type of current collection is sometimes referred to as thick sheath current collection.

Model 4

The fourth and final current collection model is similar to the third model except that this time the sheath thickness is assumed to be small relative to the surface dimensions and independent of voltage. It has the form:
        J/J0 = exp(-e|V|/kTi)    V>0
        J/J0 = 1                 V<=0
for ions and
        J/J0 = 1                 V>0
        J/J0 = exp(-e|V|/kTe)    V<=0
for electrons. In contrast to Model 3 this type of current collection is sometimes referred to as thin sheath current collection.

Material erosion and sputtering

Surfaces at negative potential relative to the plasma potential will accelerate ions, principally oxygen ions, to an energy equal to the surface potential. If this lies above the sputtering threshold then erosion of the surface will take place, to an extent dependent on the energy of the ion, the flux of ions, and the sputtering yield. To complicate matters there are two types of erosion mechanism which, because of the presence of oxygen ions, both occur in the LEO environment. The first of these mechanisms is known as chemical sputtering and occurs because the oxygen ions react chemically with the surface of many materials. Such erosion is dependent on the energy of the oxygen ion (or atom) but in most cases does not show any threshold. The second type of erosion mechanism is called physical sputtering and occurs as a result of the transfer of momentum between the incoming ion and the atoms in the surface of the material. Again it is energy dependent but has a threshold at an energy that is typically around 30 to 40 eV. It is strongly dependent on the type of incident ion and the type of surface material.

Modelling sputtering and erosion is not easy. However, there are a number of semi-empirical models that may be used to perform calculations for a number of incident ion/material combinations. SOLARC Has two such sets of semi-empirical relationships. The first deals with physical sputtering of monatomic (i.e. elemental) solids at normal incidence and the second deals with both chemical and physical sputtering of Kapton (polyimide) by oxygen.

Physical sputtering of elements

Physical sputtering has received a considerable interest over the years because of the number of areas of plasma physics in which it is important. For example, considerable experimental and theoretical work has been done in support of nuclear fusion research, with high bombarding energies in the range 102 to 106 eV. Matsunami et al. (1983) compiled a comprehensive data base in this energy region, covering the sputter yields of monatomic solids for over 250 ion-target combinations. An empirical formula was devised to fit all the experimental data. Although giving a good fit at higher energies, the fit is poorer for energies below 100 eV, in its original form. This is partly due to a lack of data, but more importantly, the expressions for the sputtering threshold were insufficiently accurate.

Bohdansky et al. (1980) suggested an analytical formula for sputtering at energies below 2 keV, which took account of threshold energies, and this Bohdansky model is widely quoted and used. However, the energies of particles incident on solar array surfaces are close to threshold energies and, therefore, accurate modelling of the yields near threshold is essential. Further work was carried out by Yamamura and Bohdansky (1985), who produced a fully analytical expressions for near threshold sputtering. Matsuno et al. (1987), in a follow-up to the previous report, have used this improved analytical formulation to improve the agreement of their empirical expressions for low incident ion energy. This approach, based as it is on both analytical and experimental data, is thought to provide the most valid sputter model available near threshold. As a consequence, it has been used within SOLARC to calculate the sputtering due to the impact of ions on the surfaces of a range of monatomic solids.

In essence the sputtering yield Y (in terms of the ratio of sputtered atoms to incident ions) is given by the semi-empirical formula

Y = 0.042 alpha*Q(Z2) Sn(E) / Us / [1+0.35Usse(epsilon)] [1-(Eth/E)0.5]2.8

where E is the incident ion energy, Q(Z2) is a target atomic number dependent property and alpha* is given by

alpha* = 0.10 + 0.155 (M2/M1)0.73 + 0.001 (M2/M1)1.5

In this expression M1 is the incident ion mass and M2 is the target atom mass. The nuclear stopping cross section Sn(E) is given by

Sn(E) = K sn(epsilon)

where K is a conversion factor from the elastic stopping function sn to the stopping power Sn in units of eV cm2 10-16 atoms and is given by

K = 84.78 Z1 Z2 / (Z12/3 + Z22/3)1/2 M1 / (M1+M2)

Z1 Z2 being the incident and target atomic numbers.

The elastic stopping function sn(epsilon) is given by

sn(epsilon) = 3.441 epsilon1/2 ln(epsilon+2.718) / [1 + 6.355 epsilon1/2 + epsilon(6.882epsilon1/2-1.708)]

where the reduced energy epsilon is expressed in terms of the incident ion and target atomic masses and numbers as

epsilon = 0.03255 / [Z1 Z2 (Z12/3 + Z22/3)1/2] M2 / (M1+M2) E

in units of eV.

The parameter Us is the target material sublimation energy (in eV) and, as the parameter Q, is supplied from a set of tables. The inelastic stopping function se(epsilon), on the other hand, is given by

se(epsilon) = k epsilon1/2


k = 0.079 (M1+M2)3/2 / (M13/2 M21/2) Z12/3 Z21/2 / (Z12/3 + Z22/3)3/4

Finally, the all-important threshold energy Eth is given by

      Eth = (4/3)6 Us/gamma                     M1=>M2
          = Us/gamma [(2M1+2M2)/(M1+2M2)]6       M1<M2

gamma = 4 M1 M2 / (M1+M2)2 .

These equations constitute the physical sputtering model incorporated into SOLARC and may be used to predict sputtering due to a wide range of incident ion/target combinations. As an example, Fig. 5 shows the sputtering yield due to the impact of oxygen of copper (physical sputtering only).

The sputtering yield due to the impact of
    oxygen on copper
Figure 5. The sputtering yield due to the impact of oxygen on copper, calculated using the physical sputtering model

Erosion of Kapton (polyimide)

The processes involvedin the erosion of polymeric materials by oxygen are much less well known than for the physical sputtering described above. For the case of the erosion of Kapton by oxygen it is clear that both chemical and physical erosion processes take place, depending on the energy of the incident oxygen ion. Kapton erosion by oxygen has, in fact, received considerable attention because of the erosion caused by the impact of atomic oxygen at low Earth orbital speeds (typically equivalent to an energy of about 5 eV). Figure 6 shows a collection of data describing the erosion rate of Kapton due to the impact of oxygen ions and atoms of various energies. The data comes from a variety of experiments both ground and space based and is due to both ionic and atomic oxygen. The straight line through the data is a completely empirical expression due to Ferguson (1984) which gives the erosion rate R (in units of amu/ion) as

R = 1.5 E0.68

where E is the incident oxygen energy in eV. This expression is used in SOLARC to calculate the erosion of Kapton due to the impact of a given flux of oxygen ions.

The erosion rate of Kapton
Figure 6. The erosion rate of Kapton due to the impact of oxygen ions and atoms. The straight line is the empirical expression given by Ferguson (1984).

Implementation in SPENVIS


In performing an analysis in SPENVIS, the user has considerable control over the specification of the plasma environment as well as the configuration of the solar array and associated spacecraft. This flexibility in the input to a simulation includes the following features:
  1. specification of a variety of solar array and spacecraft configurations;
  2. availability of a number of different pre-defined current collection models;
  3. the ability to specify thermal and energetic distributions of ions and electrons. A variety of ion types may also be selected.

Plasma environment description

The space plasma environment surrounding the solar array and spacecraft is specified by a thermal ion and electron distribution and energetic ion and electron spectra.
Thermal distributions
The thermal ion distribution is characterised by a temperature, a number density, and an ion type. A selection of ion types (elements) is available. The thermal electron distribution is characterised by a temperature and a number density.
Energetic particles
The energetic ion spectrum is characterised by an energy, a particle flux, and an ion type. The energetic electron spectrum is characterised by an energy and a particle flux.

Array/structure configuration

Figure 7 shows, schematically, the solar array and structure configuration and the parameters that may be specified to define the configuration:

The solar array and structure configuration
Figure 7. The solar array and structure configuration


Up to two elements present on both the solar array and the spacecraft structure may be specified. The elements are selected from the list of elements used for the plasma environment plus Kapton. These materials are not used in the calculation of the current collection but are used to determine erosion or sputtering rates.


The following characteristics of the solar array and spacecraft are determined:
  1. current collected by the specified solar array and spacecraft surfaces;
  2. array and structure voltages relative to the ambient plasma potential (i.e. floating voltages);
  3. plasma current and power loss;
  4. erosion or sputtering of surfaces caused by energetic ion impingement.


Bohdansky, J., J. Roth, and H. L. Bay, An Analytical Formula and Important Parameters for Low-Energy Ion Sputtering, J. App. Phys., 51, 2861, 1980.

Bond, R. A., The interaction of the Space Plasma with High Voltage Solar Arrays and Large Structures, AEA Industrial Technology Report AEA-In Tec-0965, 1992.

Bond, R., T. Field, P. Hurford, and A. Martin, ESPIRE Version 1.0 Software Users Manual, 1991.

Ferguson, D. C., The Energy Dependence and Surface Morphology of Kapton Degradation under Atomic Oxygen Bombardment, p. 205 in 13th Space Simulation Conference, NASA Conf. Publication CP-2340, 1984.

Matsunami, N., et al., Energy Dependence of the Yields of Ion-Induced Sputtering of Monatomic Solids, Nagoya Institute of Plasma Physics Report IPPJ-AM-32, 1983.

Matsuno, N., et al., Energy Dependence of Ion-Induced Sputtering Yields of Monatomic Solids in the Low Energy Region, Nagoya Institute of Plasma Physics Report IPPJ-AM-52, 1987.

Stevens, N. J., Summary of PIX-2 Flight Results over the First Orbit, AIAA Paper No. 86-0360, 1986.

Viswanathan, R., G. Barbay, and N. J. Stevens, Environmentally-Induced Discharge Transient Coupling to Spacecraft, NASA CR-174922, 1985.

Yamamura, Y., and J. Bohdansky, Few Collision Approach to Threshold Sputtering, Vacuum, 35, 561, 1985.

Last update: Mon, 12 Mar 2018