8.2.1                 General

a.              Applicable plasma regions that can be encountered shall be identified according to the spacecraft location or orbit as follows:

1.              The ionosphere for altitudes between 60 km and 2 000 km.

2.              The auroral charging environment for orbital inclinations above 50 degrees for altitudes above 80 km and below 2 000 km.

3.              The plasmasphere for altitudes above 2 000 km (approximately L=1,3 at the equator) and below L=7.

4.              The outer magnetosphere for all L values above L=3 and within the magnetopause as defined in clause 5, (including the geostationary regime).

5.              The magnetosheath for locations outside of the magnetopause as defined in clause 5 and within the bow shock.

6.              The solar wind for locations outside of the magnetopause and bow shock.

7.              The magnetotail and distant mgnetosheath for locations within the bow shock but more than 30 RE from the Earth in the anti-Sunward direction.

8.              Planetary plasma environments for regions within the planetary bow shock, or planetary magnetopause, or planetary ionopause, whichever of these are present.

NOTE 1      See Annex E.5 for definition of L (L-shell).

NOTE 2      Some typical orbits and regions encountered are described in Annex H

b.              Applicable environments for each region shall be characterised according to the models specified in 8.2.2 to 8.2.6.